Sunday, September 29, 2024

September: Redfish and Homeschool Goodness

One of the ways I try to really lean into our homeschool lifestyle is with the freedom and privilege. For example, I booked a Redfish lake trip the week after Labor Day and when I tell you we had the lake to ourselves, I mean it! I took the boys up solo on Thursday hoping to have Justin join us the next day. After spending the afternoon at the lake we came home to our campsite to a dead battery and a chirpy alarm. After trying to get some help from the camp host I decided to pack up and leave because I didn't want to deal with the battery issue especially for another two days. We got home around 9:30. I plugged in the camper and the next day I zipped back up with the kids with plans for Justin to come up after work with the camper. We had another lovely day at the lake with just a few more people that on Thursday afternoon. We had a great night with Justin including ice cream, tacos, hot dogs, and s'mores. The smoke from the Stanley fire rolled in that evening just in time for us to go to bed. We enjoyed the lake all day Saturday with a little more traffic than the previous two days, but for the weather and it being a weekend it was again another lovely day. Coming here every summer of my childhood, I can't adequately describe what it does to me each year when I bring my family here. So so so so so much joy.

Our homeschool co-op groups is really taking off. We did an activity in Mom's yard and had over 30 kids! The next week we did a fall craft with 20 kids. I'm feeling so grateful to have these other moms committed to enriching their homeschools with these activities. It would be nothing without them.

Our kids started running club and much to my surprise, they actually like the practices. They did their first race ever in Challis and Emmett absolutely blew us away. He ran his mile in 7:43! Logan was right behind his at 8:46 which for a 6 year old is quite impressive. Emmett came in 2nd of all the Butte boys, and he came in 4th for his age group earning him a medal. The confidence this gave him has been through the roof! The next week the boys raced in Rexburg and while I don't have their times, Emmett was 3rd of the Butte kids with Logan right behind him in 4th! So fun. I love to see them push themselves and find they are actually quite good at it.

Justin and the boys are in full swing with flag football. They had their third game and Emmett ran the ball so well - he almost had a touchdown! A huge improvement from what he's done in the past. Logan continues to score multiple touchdowns each week! We ventured to the pumpkin patch Saturday - it was way too hot but the kids had fun and enjoyed Pizza Pie Cafe afterward. 

Today was fast Sunday and Emmett bore his testimony for the first time. I missed it because I was walking halls with rambunctious Colby - I was so bummed to miss it! But Justin and Mom and Dad said he did great and was so brave. September was good to us!

these moments make my heart soar

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