Saturday, June 3, 2023


 I saw someone call May "Mayhem" and isn't that perfect? Let's dive in:

- I was VERY sick at the beginning of the month - nothing like one last virus before summer break!

- Justin was gone for five days one week for work and then five days the next week for a brother's trip. I flew solo with the four kiddos which is a challenge on its own but in May it was just cruel. So many ridiculous end-of-year things!

-Speaking of: we had our science fair. Somehow I ended up being in charge - mostly because the other teachers are totally incompetent except for one, and she already had her hands full running a field trip to Lagoon that same week, so she gets a pass. I kept trying to tell myself to let it go and let it suck but I couldn't bring myself to so I took charge and it went very well! I was SO impressed with some of the projects - the car and kinetic energy one was my favorite. 

- Emmett lost his two front teeth! His lisp is so cute (is he too old to use that word??). He also graduated kindergarten! He loves Mrs. Reynolds. He's constantly making crafts for either her or his classmates. He is looking forward to being in first grade and showing Logan all the ropes of going to school. He developed his first crush this year on Magdalena. He asked me to buy some toy rings so he could give her one. Oh boy.

- I finished my second year of teaching! I decided not to teach next year. We'll see what the future holds - for now, those two years of teaching plus the six credits I earned during that time along with a few other documents got my Idaho teaching certificate renewed and it's good for the next five years! I got my new cert in the mail today. That feels so good to have! 

-Adventures for May included a family picnic to Mackay and a trip to McCall. Gabe's cabin is dreamy. It was lovely to have quality time with his family over Memorial Weekend.

- More cabinet progress on the house continued this month and they started on siding! It is feeling soooo close!

5 months

I made empanadas for our last teacher potluck lunch.

He wanted to make a Pokemon for all this classmates on the last day of school.

I took this picture on our last day teaching together. What a special time in my life to teach. There are mixed opinions on working moms but I've got to say: for us it was nothing but a blessing. For me, for my kids...I don't need to justify my choices to anyone, but since this blog serves as a bit of a journal for me, I just want to say it for the record. The lives I got to touch and the lives that touched me, the lives that touched my kids and showered love on them. I truly had the very best care in the world. I didn't cry when I left school, but I cried when my kids and I said goodbye to our caretaker. She is truly an angel on this Earth. Teaching truly is a calling and something I know I was born to do. I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father for throwing this position in my path and finding all the solutions in order for me to say yes. I know it came straight from heaven. What also came from Heaven was the feeling to say goodbye for now. That's a feeling I will always trust and know God is leading me all along the way.

I captioned this picture on Facebook:
Mr. T
He's a HUGE reason I ever became a teacher. When I agreed to come teach two years ago they put me in the classroom right next door to this guy.
It was such a special thing to teach among so many who taught me. I had to snag a picture to remember this special season of my life teaching next door to this legend. Love you T!!

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