Sunday, June 18, 2023

Rexburg and Beckham's Birthday

Saturday the 3rd we woke up with an itch to go somewhere but were undecided on what to do. When Justin suggested the Menan Butte I agreed and we headed to Rexburg. This is definitely something I love about our personalities: we can do things spur of the moment without ruffling each other's feathers. We hit R Mountain first, me carrying Colby and Justin carrying Beckham. It took us 35 minutes to get to the top. Emmett and Logan were little mountain goats beating us the entire way up. We explored around, the kids built cairns, and on the way down we spotted a scorpion! We ordered pizza and ate at Porter Park, Justin and I threw a disc around, and we finished the adventure off with Kiwi Loco on the way out. 

The following week on Sunday was Beckham's 2nd birthday! This boy is pure joy. He is into all things with wheels, so we got him an assortment of tractors for his gift. Granny and Gramps joined us for birthday cake that night. 

Meanwhile the house continues to make progress. The outside got all its siding finished, some of the floors have been installed, and appliances have been delivered. We're waiting on cabinets which will take the longest (we first met with the carpenter March 20th so there you go). Aside from that, kitchen and bathroom tile needs to go in, final light fixtures installed, carpet, and then it's just a matter of hooking everything up. My guess is we'll be moving in about a month, maybe six weeks.

Justin has taken over as the director for Arco Parks n Rec. June is soccer season but we've had a rough start with lots of afternoon thunderstorms cancelling practices and games. The kids did finally have a game last week. Emmett scored a goal and Logan made three blocks during his Goalie turn. I love to see them get after it! 

We had a campfire last night complete with s'mores. Many more to come I'm sure.

Colby helped me pick out a pair of sandals.

The crop duster came - it made this little boy's heart happy.

Appliances delivered!

Logan fell during play after his soccer game - ouch!

He was deep in concentration checking out this bird book.

Logan found my camera - Ha!

Just hanging out

kids playing Jaipur

The wood floors were supposed to move continuously through the house but they put this tile floor down in the north bathroom. It looks great so I guess that's fine - this tile is also in our bathroom.

Front siding, rock, and wood beam accents all done - the beams need a stain. I don't totally love it yet - hoping a darker color will tie it into the rock better.

ready to pour the garage pad

Once upon a time it was Emmett and Logan I pushed around in this stroller at this size.
Halloween 2018

September 2018

June 2023

Logan me playing Jaipur; Emmett doing a puzzle with Justin

Dad and his Chevelle on his birthday

The kids have been practicing their influencer skills by creating tutorials on how to draw animals. It's the best thing to hear them chatter to their audience... "Ok guys, get ready..."

I needed the kids to pose to get some custom socks made for Justin for Father's Day - this is what I got.

Logan made himself a laptop.

Imagine the wood stained to medium brown.

Colby is 6 months!

Choosing hardware: here is the inspiration.

Rexburg adventure.

From Justin's phone:

I love the lights on either side

Doing Come, Follow Me lesson 

View from our future fire pit spot

"pane!!" for airplane. 

The shower cap is to keep the smoke from making me have to wash my hair again

The boys wanted a sleepover in the family room

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