Sunday, February 20, 2022


An update on January in February? I kept meaning to update my blog with the things that were going on but kept putting it off. I eventually took the kids skiing and that night Logan had a goopy eye. This turned into a full-blown sickness that plagued our house for the next month. Goopy eyes turned to fevers which turned into ear aches and coughs/snotty noses for the boys that eventually struck me and then eventually Beckham and Justin. It took me out for two solid weeks (definitely hit me hardest). I was lucky with school because we had a snow day scattered in there while I also took a couple days off and I was able to recover okay, but that was the sickest I have been in a LONG time. So forget about updating the blog with all that going on.

Beckham is 7 months in these pictures. Not crawling yet but lots of rolling and a little bit of getting up on his haunches.

I've been tracking the kids 1,000 hours outside. It is simply miserable with how cold it has been, but the kids manage 30 minutes here and there.

Emmett drew a parrot 

Emmett was setting up his "fossil lab" with these slabs of drifted snow

Chicken chores make for easy outside hours.

Our first ski trip for the season. The sickness hit us hard after this trip.

I have no idea when I took the kids sledding at Mom and Dad's - go me.

Another update! I got braces!! I've been wanting to fix my teeth for quite some time and I finally bit the bullet. My treatment plan has me wearing them 14 months, but my doc said if I wear my rubber bands really well I could shave off a few months. Gee...I wonder if I'll wear my rubber bands consistently? 

Day before getting braces.

Chase and Rachel came to visit! Thankfully it was before we were plagued. Chase took them sledding - he drove FAST! We played rage and had a great time. The kids were in tears when it was time for cousins to leave. 

Enjoy this video of Dad teasing Mom about her dealing cards

More hours outside.

The twins holding the twins: I took a screenshot when Mom posted this picture.

Documenting my "before" teeth - my jaw is pretty crooked with crooked bottom teeth, a cross-bite, and crowding at my top teeth.

Justin and I have a weekly Thursday date night with the air fryer. This week it was empanadas and samosas. 

7 month old pictures!!

Pretty sunrise

Trying to keep some of the cold air out with painters tape.

The roads when they are totally iced seems there is no end in sight.

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