Sunday, January 9, 2022

An Ice Cream Sundae

I did a fun singing time this week; this morning Justin taught our Come, Follow Me to the kids and as he was talking about the 7th day when God created the day of rest, I was reminded of a primary sharing time I listened to when I was subbing in primary in WA. I brought in some scoops of vanilla ice cream (thank you Justin for bringing that to the primary room; thank you Mom and Dad for providing the ice cream) and told the kids we would be building an ice cream sundae as we sang (so "sing loud and proud!" Ha - this turned into "sing the WORDS and be REVERENT" hahaha). We sang through the verses of "When He Comes Again" and I picked a kiddo to come up and put any topping on the ice cream they wanted. I had whipped cream, chocolate chips, and I also had ketchup, mustard, ranch, BBQ get it. By the end of our singing we had nine various disgusting toppings on our ice cream sundae. I emphasized to the kids that some things are NOT good on an ice cream sundae...they might be good on a hamburger, but not on a sundae. Similarly, some activities are not good to do on Sundays. They are fine for the rest of the week, but not on Sunday. I think they may have been too distracted by the toppings to hear the point I was trying to make at the end...ha. We'll see.

Beckham boy has been waking up just before 6:00 and it's rough. I don't get him up until 6:00 and even then...I'm crossing my fingers he gets back to his 7:00-7:30 wake time.

I've been back to the gym consistently even during the work week. I LOVE throwing some weight around again. Postpartum is no joke. I am doing a postpartum recovery specific program which has been SO beneficial. Ladies, if you don't want to pee yourself after having babies, this is the recovery program for you.

Justin and I are trying to decide on an official house plan. It's tough to decide when we don't know what the estimated cost will be. We plan to meet with Clint soon to see if we can get any concrete information. As much as I'd love a 2,400+ sq ft house I'm not sure we will be able to afford it! I am trying not to think about being stuck in this rental another two years...I want us to get a new house but I don't want the house to get us. Inflation is another BIG issue that I'm worried about. 

Thursday was the last day of 1st semester. We're half way through the school year! Crazy! I am so excited for 2nd semester. My 8th grade class just went from 30 to 21. I'm going into that school building tomorrow dancing with excitement. It will be LOTS better. I'm enrolled in a two-credit class to go toward my certificate requirements for the next several weeks.

I bought myself a KJV study bible. I want to enjoy the scriptures this year and I think this is really going to help. 

Beckham still will not sit up or crawl and he turns 7 months old in two days. At Granny's house today during our visit we propped him up and he stayed sat up for probably a whole minute which was the best I've ever seen him do. He wobbled a little to the side and was able to recover back to sitting steady - yay baby! Then he face-planted shortly after that. We've given him 30 foods so far with his solids; some purees but mostly real food cut really big so he can't choke on it. 

Logan is cracking us up. He said tonight at bedtime, "Mommy, I don't like my brain telling me to do bad things." He drags out his words right now too so it sounds like, "Mommy, I don't like my braaaaain telling me to do bad thiiiiings." Lately his thing has been, "My brain told me to do it," when he does something naughty and we are repremanding him. He said something to Granny today at her house about "my brain told me to" and it is quite charming/hilarious.

Emmett is super interested in phonics right now. He asks us to spell words with him; we sound it out and he identifies the letter and writes it out. I wish he would start with more basic words than all the names of dinosaurs, but he did do all our family members names tonight which was much less tedious than pachycephalosaurus. We've been working on sounding out certain words as we read together. 

We finally were able to get outside today to add some hours to our 1,000 hours outside goal. It "warmed up" to 20+ degrees. It actually was lovely once we got out there with all our snow gear on. The chickens seem to be doing fine with the below zero cold with no heat lamp, no insulation, no nothing. We are still getting 4-6 eggs every day.

Justin says there's nothing going on with him. Ha! That's us this week. I'm reading "Glow Kids" and "The Dental Diet." It seems like I'm always trying to read the next thing to guide us to eating more nutritious foods. Someone find me a freezer for sale; I'm ready to buy 1/2 a cow of grass-fed beef. 

Polling the social media world on whether to cut his hair or not....definitely NOT!

baby egg


tomato - thank you Mitzi for the most amazing bibs ever

air fryer for the win; these were better than Chick fil A

found his foot

I love this <3 

Normally the fence post is my height!

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