Sunday, February 20, 2022

February so far

 As for the February update: the pictures posted backward, so you're getting most recent to farthest in the past, so I'll start there.

I decided to drive over to Boise to watch Butte play in the state basketball tournament. They had a good shot of making it to the championship but they totally choked in the semi-final game. Mitzi came with me and we had a good time! Butte was down 6-21 at the start of the second half and pulled off a miracle tying it 21-21. But it went downhill from there and they lost by 20 or so. Too bad. Mitzi and I got some ice cream and watched a movie afterward. Saturday I was torn on whether to go to the consolation game or not, and ultimately decided to go. I went alone because Mitzi had to go to Utah last-minute and the brothers didn't want to watch girls basketball were unavailable. 😂😂 Just kidding guys (as if any of  you read this anyway). To kill time before the game I went shopping and scored big time! I NEVER go shopping because it's impossible with three children so having an hour to shop for MYSELF and not anyone was pure bliss. The girls dominated Raft River and took third place. Yay!

At the Butte - Prairie game

Saying goodbye to my boys before leaving; Justin planned a trip to Seattle with them starting the following day.

Mommy and Beckham headed to the big city 😍 He was an awesome little buddy the whole time.

These kids love their sticker activities

We made geodes in science class. Some of them turned out amazing! Some...not so much. Egg shells compliments of our chickees. Google "blow out and egg" - that's what I made my kids do to get their shells cut in half oblong. It was fun.

Justin somehow snuck flowers for me to get at work. I was SO surprised when I saw them and it literally made my whole month. He also got me candy but it's pretty hard for me to eat with my braces and the kids ate most of it.😂

Beckham's 8 month pictures! He is sitting up pretty well and army crawling; not full-blown hand and knees crawling yet. He's on food #55 out of the goal to hit 100 before his first birthday. He's a happy bub and we are all totally obsessed with him 💗

We took a second ski trip and this time it was with the whole family. We dropped Beckham off with Trisha on the way to Kelly Canyon and the boys each had a lesson. I needed another lesson but I guess I'll save that for next time. Justin was a trooper! Skiing is not his favorite thing but he did it and we all had a great time. The weather was gorgeous.

Proud of my boys. Logan did so well for his second time. Emmett is ready for the lift - we'll see if he gets to do it next time.

It doesn't take much for these two...

Sick days with Beckham

Between my braces (umm...hurts to eat and is just a huge pain to take rubber bands on/off and brush teeth afterward) and getting sick I lost 13 pounds. That's one way to lose the baby weight 😂

Other than that: I am taking a two-credit course to go toward my certification. I'll need four more by the end of next year. As I mentioned, Justin and the two big kids are in Seattle visiting family. They left Saturday and will get back Wednesday night. They are having a blast and I am enjoyed my quiet time (hence, getting this blog done, finally!).  I have tomorrow off which I plan on working on that class, grading, lesson planning... you know: all the extra things teachers do that we don't get paid for 😂 

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