Sunday, February 27, 2022

Attack on Ukraine

Justin and the kids got home from their Seattle trip Wednesday night which was when I heard that Russia was attacking Ukraine. We explained to the kids that we would be praying for Ukraine and tried to very simply explain why. Emmett said, "Why doesn't Jesus lock up the bad guy and throw him in a dungeon?!?!" Valid question my boy - maybe he's leaving that for President Zelensky to do. I am so impressed with his leadership. I was moved by his response to the US offering to evacuate him; "I need ammunition, not a lift. The battle is here and that's where I stay." It's been a minute since the United States has seen anything remotely close to this kind of leadership. I pray for Ukraine and our world leaders. Sobering times. That's what's on my mind for this blog post - pictures include our adorable baby who is cutting his top two teeth and one of our chickens who is going through a terrible molting phase. It also "warmed up" to 15 degrees on Saturday and with no wind I forced myself and the two boys outside. You'll notice Logan in his preferred state without a coat. ... spring come quickly.

Emmett but all I see is Beckham!

geodes in class

It was -20 with the wind chill on Wednesday and they didn't cancel school - I was so annoyed! The drifts formed quickly and I could barely get out of my driveway when it was finally time for me to leave.

They call this snow pile "Snow Town"


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