Monday, July 26, 2021

To teach, or...?

 We had a lovely, boring, average week. It feels good to just be home and not have anywhere to go. I did end up driving across the desert several times this week, but still..

We had plans to meet with our builder on Wednesday, but he couldn't meet us so we got a last-minute babysitter and drove to Blackfoot Tuesday night. We are on the builder's books to break ground next spring, but nothing is for sure. It will all depend on what the prices of materials are next spring for him to come back to us and say, "Your house will cost X to build," and then determine if we can afford it or not. So in the meantime we are saving like crazy to have a substantial down payment on the loan if the price is right. If not...we either wait another year or decide to do something else. We'll just see what life brings us in the next year and try not to have our hearts set one way or the other. 

Wednesday I took the kids to Idaho Falls for the chiropractor appointment and Beckham's six week check up, but I already wrote about those details so, moving on.

Thursday morning I turned the garden water off that had been running all night. It left the most perfect mud puddle that Emmett and Logan discovered and it kept them happy for two solid hours while Beckham napped. I call that a win! They are only this little once, and mud washes off easily. I'm totally down for it. They played in it again that evening while we were busy doing yard work. Friday morning I zipped over to Idaho Falls again to buy a used Bob stroller for a screaming deal. As an officially 6 weeks postpartum lady, I am now ready to get back to exercising regularly. I started a program specifically catered to return to weightlifting along with nutrition coaching. It should be great!

Saturday Justin saw an event going on downtown on Facebook, so we decided to head down there and enjoy. It was a "Christmas in July" food/toy drive so we brought some canned goods and got a free burger out of it. The boys enjoyed the huge blow up toy. I ran into the principal and met the new superintendent. Mr. Chambers asked me what my teaching degrees were and if I wanted to come teach this year. We bantered for a bit about it, but then he asked what about part-time. That shut me up for a second, and he said he was dead serious about me teaching 2-3 classes and that's it. I asked what classes would he have me teach and when and he literally said, "Whatever you want." 

Okay hold up now this is getting interesting. I want two middle school Earth Science classes first thing in the morning and then I'm peaced outta there, thank you very much, the end. 😂 

So I'm going to chat with them more about it tomorrow but I am seriously considering it. We'll see if this ends up being an opportunity I decide to take or not.

I returned to singing time this week. We learned "Have I Done Any Good?" It was okay. I wish I could split the kids Jr/Sr. The needs ranging from 4-11 year olds are hard to meet simultaneously, and it's usually the big kids that end up totally bored/over my activities. Oh well - I'm doing my best with a smile and I can't care about it being superfantastic every time.

lol...his goopy eye FINALLY has cleared (took 3 weeks for the right eye to clear and 6 weeks for the left).

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