Wednesday, July 21, 2021

6 weeks and other updates

We had Beckham's 6 week checkup today with Tabitha. Sigh... it's weird that I won't be seeing Tabitha every month anymore! A relationship with your midwife is a special thing and I will miss her. I guess I'll just have to keep having babies so she stays a part of my life! She's truly an angel on Earth. 

Beckham is thriving. I took him to Dr. Orchard who is THE chiropractor to go to when you need specific help with things. He flipped Beckham from breech to head down at 38 weeks, so he's basically magical. Beckham has had very mild reflux, but still enough that he was uncomfortable and I was sick of having to have Justin's help getting his burps/farts out. Sure enough, Dr. Orchard found a hernia which fixed him right up. Tabitha did some newborn exams on him, weighed/measured him at 11 lbs 4 oz and 22" long (seeing him this long has me in shock that Logan was born at 22" - wut).

At about this same time, I decided to start helping Beckham learn to sleep at more predictable, regular times. I like to let my newborns nurse as much as they want in the first several weeks to really establish a good milk supply, so any time Beckham would fuss I would nurse him, and I would nurse him before his sporadic naps, etc. I purchased the sleep program "Taking Cara Babies" and wow - I am astounded at how quickly/smoothly Beckham has adapted to her methods. The first day went like clockwork, and that night he gave me his first four hour stretch of sleep! Not only that, but he went back to sleep after nursing effortlessly until waking up for the day at 7:30. Amazing. Similarly the next night he went a solid four hours and then slept a solid three more. This felt like a miracle after 5 1/2 weeks of nursing on demand every two hours, and some nights every hour. Today is day three of practicing this new approach to sleep which is giving me the time to knock out all these blog posts.

In other news, Justin and I have met with a lender and a home builder to map out what building a house out here in Arco will look like for us. Things are very early and we don't have any specifics yet, but we're getting excited to image we'll be in our own home within the next year or two.

where did all his dark hair go?!

Chase and Dad went fishing and caught TONS! So much that Mom and Dad shared their spoils with us. My boys love salmon!

Nursing the baby while weeding the garden - no problem 

We finally got this windbreak planted in the backyard with Oss tree starts compliments of Mom.

Ugh we killed a baby rattlesnake!!!

crazy boys

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