Sunday, August 1, 2021

Happy Birthday Emmett!

On Monday I went down to the school district in the morning to meet with the principal and superintendent to chat more about teaching part time. All weekend I was praying and thinking more about it and trying to come up with the best possible solution for my kids. After chatting with Jon and Laura they helped me think of an idea that could work: Butte has a preschool program but it's on an "at needs" basis. Basically you have to have your child evaluated and determined as needing early intervention services to attend. So I went in that morning asking if they could expand that program to regular preschool. That way I could take Emmett and Logan with me to work, they could attend preschool for the afternoon, and I would take them home with me. It is the very best case scenario. I heard back later in the week that the superintendent is working with the board to make that happen. I even had a phone call with the principal and he said, "I will personally babysit your boys every afternoon if it means you'll come down and teach." Ha! It sounds like they are working hard to create an adequate solution for me and I'm very grateful. There are still three weeks until school starts so for now I am hanging tight, waiting to hear back from the board. I'm hopeful it will work out. The Lord works in mysterious ways: this whole thing has kind of fallen in my lap and with the way it has gone so far it doesn't feel like coincidence. I'm praying that Heavenly Father will work out the best possible solution for our family if this is the right thing for me to do. More details of how this fell into my lap can be found here:

In the meantime I got busy working on my certification. I should get that renewed this week and I'm doing research on getting my biology endorsement. It appears if I do get this job it will be the classes Chad Angell taught in the afternoon: science, science, and health. My guess right now is it will by 7th graders but I can't be sure yet (I hope it is 7th graders...the group of 7th graders this year I know well from subbing that particular class two years ago and I love them already lol).

I got my hair cut and colored on Wednesday. The gal cut it wet and while it was wet it looked great! But upon blow drying it, it was a disaster. I couldn't tell until I got home because she had blow dried it/curled it before I left. I didn't like the way it looked curled so I straightened it out at home and ohhhhh noooo.... it was a disaster. I called another gal and she was able to squeeze me in that afternoon to fix it. Oh my land! Now I understand Mom's troubles with getting her hair just right. You either KNOW this hair cut or you don't....sadly my experience has been most people DON'T. 

These are the pictures I sent to my hair stylist (going back to my favorite style...)


DISAAAASTER... the back was also terrible but I didn't snap a pic

I've started my Return to Weightlifting and Nutrition program this week. I am loving the program - it really respects what a woman's body has been through after pregnancy and childbirth. The first week felt like I was going to physical therapy. It's all about healing that pelvic floor and restoring the body's balance/strength to be ready for regular exercise. Love it.

Emmett wanted to do my thoracic mobility session with me

Emmett had his 5th birthday this week! Justin made an amazing dinosaur cake. I know I've said this before but Emmett knew his dinosaurs before he knew his ABC's: that obsession is going strong with no signs of letting up. We got him a set of walkie-talkies and lots of family sent him gifts as well. Justin put his gifts together as a scavenger hunt and he had lots of fun running around gathering all his gifts to open. We invited Chase and Lacy over for cake and ice cream. Emmett has been asking nonstop when Urban and Sloane could come play, so topping off his birthday with their company made his whole day. 

We made piggy pancakes for breakfast 

"Mom take a picture of me: I'm five!" He has been asking if he's five yet for like... 6 months ha!

Justin had an artist create this cartoon for his birthday

Before getting pregnant last year I found a podcast that was an amazing resource for me called "Happy Homebirth." I listened to birth stories all throughout my pregnancy as I prepared for my own homebirth. Well lo and behold, the podcast host reached out to me and asked if she could feature me on her podcast! That was a while ago and Friday was the interview. I loved sharing the birth stories of all three of my kids while highlighting my most recent birth. It was so cool to have that opportunity after being a loyal listener for a year now and gleaning so much information/wisdom/resources from it. I hope my interview can give other listeners similar outcomes. "There is a secret in our culture and it is not that birth is painful, but that women are strong." - Laura Stavoe

Other than that we are enjoying our garden. We like to be out there in the evenings eating peas and raspberries while the boys run around in the corn playing all sorts of games. I love the row of sunflowers we planted. We like to let the chickens free range in the evenings and last night one picked off the first strawberry! I didn't even know we had strawberries coming but sure enough she got the one ripe one. So fun. We zipped to Idaho Falls on Saturday to pick up our groceries and buy the kids new shoes. How did our mothers and sisters do grocery shopping with kids before grocery pickup?  

Drive in ice cream time!

We did singing time olympics this week which turned out fun. We did a different motion/activity with each of these events. Examples: 
Torch: sing I am a Child of God while passing a flashlight around the room
Volleyball: sing Have I Done Any Good volleying the singing to two sides of the room
Equestrian: sing I Feel My Savior's Love and hop in your seat anytime the note goes up
Swimming: sing I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus doing swim strokes with your arms
Rhythmic Gymnastics: sing When I am Baptized with scarf motions
Track and Field: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes 3X fast
Cycling: sing I Want to be a Missionary Now while pretending to ride a bike
Archery: I brought in a toy bow from my kids' toy pile: sing When He Comes Again; get loud when the string is pulled, soft when it's not pulled
Synchronized swimming: sing Choose the Right while clapping/snapping the rhythm together
Weightlifting: sing The Priesthood is Restored; do a pretend strict press on the long notes

Hair cut time! Before...


Blurry but I love Beckham smiling at Logan

Logan helped me make playdough. My current challenge as a mom is making sure Logan has enough one-on-one time and attention #middlechild

working on a birthday gift

The face of a boy who is sleeping 7 hour stretches at night! Amazing! 

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