Sunday, March 14, 2021

Happy Birthday Logan

 Cute boys all dressed up for church

Sunday walks to see Granny and Gramps

It's getting tougher to find room for the kids to sit on my lap
Logan after I put both kids to bed: he came out and laid down on the couch all cozy😂

This week track practice began. I go to the track every day at 4:30 and I actually have quite a few kids who come to my 400 workouts. I have a few ornery boys who think they're in the 4X400 relay but wouldn't show up to any of my workouts😒😑 ... so I had to hunt them down mid-week to make them run with us. Oher than that - the kids are fabulous and there are a couple that might actually do some damage at the track meets. That race is killer!
The trying-to-give-up-naps stage - doesn't always work out!

he's ready for summer!

checking up on baby 
Wednesday I took the kids to the park to play. I was done after 30 minutes from the cold, but they were running around barefoot as happy as could be. Rather than cut them off early, I decided to move to the car and wait for them to tell me they were done. I'd like to thank the Office Ladies podcast for making that afternoon pleasurable not only for the kids but for Mom as well.

When we got home from the park it was time to assemble Logan's birthday cake layers and put the first layer of frosting on. Logan passed out so Emmett was the only helper for this stage.

Later that night it was time for the rest of the frosting and decorations.

Thursday was Logan's birthday! We had bacon for breakfast and let him eat his heart out. He and I napped that afternoon and it reminded me of our first nap together when we brought him home from the birth center. I'm such a fan of the midwifery model of care: I was home two hours after Logan was born! I reminisced about all the aspects of his birth throughout the day, and day dreamed about my upcoming birth and who is going to be joining our family in June. We had all of Logan's favorite foods for dinner. Then Granny and Gramps came over for present opening and cake. Three year-old Logan is feisty and equally sweet. He will cuddle and give kisses, but watch out because he will also try to poke your eyes out. 

Our Octonaut birthday cake creation

Brushing teeth with the birthday boy
Things to remember about Logan at this age:
We love the way he says:
"Scooby Dooby Dooby!"
"Uh! Fine! WHATEVER!"
"Pweeeeease Mommy?"
"Mommy - you're sweet."
"I'm so HUNGRY!"
"Mommy - I POOPED!!" aka come wipe me please
when he says "Excuuuuse me" after a burp or fart.

We love the way he prays, and especially love when he prays for every family member, including baby. When he gives hugs or cuddles he rubs his head up against you. When he's eating something especially delicious, he closes his eyes and rocks back in forth, savoring every moment. I love when he takes his med kit and does a check up on the baby. He is a joy to have in our family and I'm SO happy that when Emmett was just nine months old and I told Justin I wanted another baby, he was game to try for another. These two are the epitome of "frenemies" and I love that they'll always have each other long after Justin and I are gone.

Friday morning I had a track clinic. Justin had some flexibility in the afternoon so we got to play as a family for a bit. We decided to order pizza for dinner. That evening we had beautiful weather - I sat outside watching everyone until sundown.

supplement lineup😂
Saturday Emmett was invited to a birthday party for one of his preschool classmates. The mom is from Missoula and she had several family members come for the party. As a Beal, it was truly an amazing thing to behold family members driving 5 1/2 hours for a six year-old's birthday party. Good on them, I say! It was great and the kids had a blast running around chasing balloons and each other. Emmett busted open the pinata on his turn so that was fun!

Justin quickly moved to prevent Logan from blowing out the birthday girl's candles. After all it was just two days prior that it was his job to blow them out. 
Puppy party theme

Baby was a little lopsided the other night 😂 

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