Sunday, May 26, 2024


At the end of April we flew Justin's parents down to watch Colby and Beckham so we could take the big kids on a trip. This was SO fun! Our lives revolve around the little boys' needs so to take life at the pace of the big kids for a change was awesome. We drove to SLC and flew to San Diego. Our first night we stayed in the Legoland Hotel in Carlsbad. Our kids were in kid heaven - the hotel was all fitted out to feel like a kid castle adventure. Our room had a separate quarters space for the boys to sleep with really fun medieval features. There was a treasure chest with clues that the kids could solve all around the hotel which unlocked a Lego set for each of them. So fun!

The next morning we hung out in the hotel's courtyard that had a playground, swimming pool, outdoor theater, the works, while we waited for the park to open. Since we stayed at the hotel we got 30 minutes of early access before they let the public in at 10:00. We had absolute perfect weather and didn't have to wait in line for any ride longer that 10 minutes. It was amazing! We were able to hit all the rides in the park (try doing THAT in one day at Disneyland, just saying) along with hitting a few of our favorites multiple times. We ate their famous BBQ for lunch and enjoyed their famous churros for a treat. By 2:00 we were tuckered out so we let the kids pick out a new Lego set at their store on the way out and headed south for San Diego. We checked into our new hotel and then headed out to Coronado beach. The kids loved looking at the navy ships in the harbor, and I loved watching them collect seashells and other miscellaneous sea things. For dinner we hit In and Out! A crowd pleaser and a must for us lowly rural Idaho folk.

We did a late night "magic" was awful but it was for the kids, right?

Day two was all about the Zoo. We got there early (as Justin's Reddit threads all suggested) and had a great spot to view the zookeepers release the macaws at opening time. Similar to Legoland, the crowds were spare. We didn't start to feel the place fill up until lunch time and by then we were almost finished. We hit the reptile section first and headed straight for the Komodo dragons. Emmett is slightly obsessed with them. The male was hiding but we got a great look at the female and lots of fun info from the zookeeper there. The Galapagos tortoises were right next door which was my favorite part of the day! These were absolutely massive, and I was convinced one was a fake because I couldn't believe a living creature could sit so still while drinking water. Logan most enjoyed seeing the big cats - the snow leopard and tiger were at the top of his list. The snow leopard was kind of hiding out but thankfully the tiger came through for him. We spent way too much money on vendor snacks and lunch but aside from that we had another successful day. We saw the whole park in just over three hours.

We took a break at the hotel then headed to another beach and playground to kill time before dinner. We headed to Old Town for some authentic Mexican food. Yumm I had been looking forward to this moment for the whole trip! Our kids are picky but they will weirdly eat fish tacos so we were able to enjoy what we wanted on the menu without them going hungry. We treated the kids to ice cream then let them swim until bedtime to prep for our early flight the next day.

We arrived home and had the whole day to spend with Justin's parents before they left the following day. Logan and Emmett were happy to have some grandparent time. Jon and Judy saved the day by agreeing to babysit two rambunctious toddlers for three whole days. Justin and I agree we'll have to do this same trip with Colby and Beckham when they are the same ages because it was the perfect getaway at the perfect age.

Back home with these hooligans <3 

Some other April happenings were frist: Karina's wedding. I got to hang out with my bestie Rachel for a whole day helping with her reception and it was so wonderful being around her lovely family and seeing Karina finally marry a man worthy of her. It was a day full of absolute joy! Second was I chaperoned for Logan's field trip to the Artitorium and Aquarium in I.F. It was fun to spend a whole day focused on him and see him interacting with all his buddies. 

Colby's way of saying: "Put me down for a nap!"

I read about King Benjamin - the kids went nuts with the hot glue gun and popsicle sticks to create their King Benjamin towers.

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