Sunday, March 10, 2024

State Basketball

 When the boys won district I told Justin right away I wanted to watch them at state. We started talking about who we'd have watch the kids, and what work looked like the next week. Justin was not excited about having me gone so I told him what if he came with me. That got his attention so we found a sitter to stay at our house for three days and the two of us took off for Boise! We were giddy all week leading up to it. We haven't been alone since our 2022 Mexico trip! We zipped over early Thursday morning to get to their first game at 12:00 in Caldwell. They played Oakley and beat them by 6! It was a close game all the way. They beat this team for the state football championship and I was so happy for those kids to get a win in basketball as well. 

After the game Justin dropped me off at my nail appointment while he went to check in and do a work call. We went from the nail appointment straight to our dinner reservation in downtown Boise. We ate at Coa de Jima - it was a more upscale Mexican restaurant and wow! It did not disappoint! Justin swung by the Cheesecake factory for some take home dessert and then we headed to Dune 2 to finish out the night.

Friday their game was in the evening so we had the day to ourselves. We had a slow morning with out-to-eat breakfast and shopping at the village. We met up with Trisha and Travis at the Idaho Center to watch some basketball there (since I was pretty confident Butte was not going to win their semi-final game I wanted Justin to experience it). We had frozen yogurt with Trisha on the way to the Butte game and made our way to a packed gym with our fans and Lapwai. They totally demolished us but it was fun to watch the other team. They had some serious talent! Including a kid who broke the all-time state record for total points (over 2,500). Crazy. We ate dinner with Hart, Alex, Trisha, and Mitzi and their families. It was fun hanging out with my siblings - thank you Butte for making it to state to give us Beals a reason to hang! We swung over to Mitzi's from there to see her new house and watch a movie. 

Saturday morning we had time to kill until Butte's last game. We ate yummy bagels for breakfast and then shopped a bit. I got my first pair of lululemon shoes and let me tell you - they are worth the hype. They're also cheaper than the Brooks shoes I typically get. Butte played the 2nd seeded Potlach for 3rd place and came up short. Mitzi and Trisha were able to watch that game with us. From there we headed straight home to a sickly Colby. The sitter texted that morning that he had a fever. It was a perfectly lovely getaway outing with Justin. I absolutely loved getting away and having time just the two of us.

Oh my...this kid is a crack up. He's meditating...

I ran errands on Tuesday to get the fridge stocked for the sitter. I took the two littles with me and it was shocking how much of a break it felt only having the two! Here they are playing chase in the mall.

The kids HATE wrestling club. But I loved watching the end of their practice and all they're learning!

For mutual we socialized some puppies so of course I brought my two bigs along.

No better feeling as a mom! What a blessing to have a fridge full of delicious healthy food.

Coa de Jima

Making gains in the gym! 

Home with my sweet babe

Fevers are no fun but I'll take all the snuggles he'll give me.

This week has certainly been payback from having time off. A fever and diarrhea for Colby turned into five solid days of sickness for Logan and Justin. Hopefully Beckham, Emmett, and I can remain unscathed. Rec basketball started and the kids had their first game. Logan was too sick to go but Emmett managed to score three or four baskets! 

Friday night the high school kids threw a "Freshmen Festival" and invited families to come play games. They had several stations with tickets to win which the kids could turn in for prizes. Logan wanted to come so badly so we let him but he only lasted 20 minutes before Justin had to come pick him up. Emmett and Beckham and fun for the entire 2 hours. 

rec basketball with Coach Chelsie

how he even fell asleep here is beyond me..

I absolutely LOVE this reading program! I feel so lucky we struck gold on the first try.

He loooooves to bang on the piano.

cheesing with their prizes

still kinda sickly and snuggly

Emmett helped me wrap Logan's birthday presents.

Beckham is THE sweetest at bedtime. Snuggles, kisses, rock paper scissors, songs and reading much joy and love with this boy.

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