Sunday, April 2, 2023

Spring Break

I went back to work March 6th and did three weeks of teaching until we hit spring break. We did one of my favorite units (waves) during that time and my 7th and 8th graders are on the same schedule so I only have to prep one subject. It's SO nice and it will stay that way until the end of the year. The kids did a lab with slinkies one day, and I sang the electromagnetic spectrum song on my ukulele. Fun times.

I really wanted to take the family to Mexico for spring break, but there was a miscommunication with Colby's birth certificate so we didn't get kids' passports in time. I thought about flying to Florida and renting a VRBO but the cost of that would have been the same as a trip to Mexico and I would have to cook for myself... I was torn on what to do! I finally decided I wasn't up to flying anywhere, so I looked into places within driving distance. We settled on St. George and invited James and Bonnie to join us. I didn't think they'd be able to swing it with only a couple of weeks' notice but they did! We met baby Parker (2 months old) and between their three boys and our four, we were a bit of a traveling circus.

On our way down, the van was giving us trouble. It overheated in Pocatello. We got some antifreeze in the radiator and it ran fine until Ogden where we stopped for the night. The next day Justin had a van picked out for us to go buy in Sandy. It took us two hours to drive the normal 30 minutes from Ogden to Sandy because of a snow storm. Utah drivers are a special kind of stupid, so because of multiple car accidents on the freeway we were diverted to another highway and went no more than 30 mph the whole time. 

We've had our eye on cars for a while, but resolved to get the house built before doing anything crazy. Well, this trip finally put Justin over the edge and we bought ourselves a 2020 Toyota Sienna. Huzzah for no more car drama at least for a while. We got to St. George in time for Justin and I to shop at Costco for our stay and bring Dominoes home for dinner.

Our first day of St. George the weather wasn't the certainly wasn't the 60-70 degree weather I was hoping for. It actually barely reached 50 degrees that day. The kids were excited to go to the pool so Justin and James accommodated them while Bonnie and I stayed with the babies. We ventured to the children's museum and then to Thunder Junction Park. After that we had dinner, played games, and the littles had an easy bedtime after all that adventuring. We stayed up all night chatting and laughing - those times are the best! 

Sunday we hit Zion. It was COLD. Thankfully I had a blanket to keep Colby warm and we had enough warm clothes for the kids that they were fine. We parked in Springdale and took the shuttle in to the park. It was still off-season for Zion so there weren't as many people, but it was still plenty crowded. It felt a little like standing in the lines at Disneyland waiting for the shuttle. I reminded Justin that this is why we definitely don't want to go there anytime soon. The shuttle one way up the canyon normally takes 45 minutes but it only took us 25. We stopped twice along the way - once to eat lunch and once at the end of the canyon called the Temple of Sinawava. That's where The Narrows start. That hike was closed which was slightly disappointing. It's not like we would have gone far with our little crew but it still would have been cool to explore. Speaking of hiking with our littles: Angel's Landing was a definite no - I don't think I'd be interested anyway where I have a fully developed brain and four babies that need me - so we rode the shuttle back and called it a day. By the time we got our shuttle back to our cars we had spent a total of four hours there and back which felt just right. I liked Zion, but I must be honest, I was a little underwhelmed by it. Next time we'll try to hit Canyonlands, Arches, and maybe Bryce Canyon.

We got back to our VRBO and it was SO COLD still! A storm actually rolled into Zion as we were leaving and it started snowing. Justin and I couldn't get away from it, not even in southern Utah! I took the kids to the pool and we had dinner. Bed came quicker that night after a long day.

I convinced James and Bonnie to try Snow Canyon before we parted on Monday and I'm so glad we did. It's a state park and so much more accessible. The kids were able to run through the sand and climb on the sandstone formations. That canyon was one of the many stops on my first geology field trip in college, so it was fun to revisit with the family to chat lava flows and iron oxidation. We spent a good hour or two there before our final goodbyes. It was great to have quality time with James and Bonnie. 

Snow Canyon

Driving home with boys makes for easy pee breaks.

A gas station on the way home had a bar to sit and eat - miracle!

An update on Colby boy: he rolled over from stomach to back two weeks ago and this week he's rolled from back to stomach. I can't believe his days in his swaddle are almost over! We're doing the transition thing now where we swaddle him one arm out until we get him in a sleep sack...already!! He'll turn four months old this week. He's sleeping through the night almost consistently. I feed him one more time before I go to bed and then he will sleep until 6 or 7. Some nights he wakes and eats once in between there. He's 18.5 lbs! Most 3 month olds are in the 15 lbs range so we are delighted with how well he's growing. 

Logan had his 5th birthday! He got a big lego set from us and money from his grandparents. He was RICH! Hahaha he was excited to take his money to spend on more lego sets. Justin made him a duck cake from Bluey which I helped decorate but Justin did most of it. 

Birthday breakfast

Our chickens started laying again and just like that we have a surplus! It's April and there is still so much snow that needs to melt. Justin is doing his Easter egg hunt at the rec center this year. I tried to talk him out of doing it but he would not be swayed. Eight weeks until school is out! I emailed my boss that I'll be taking next year off. I absolutely love my job and I've also been feeling pulled to do something different for the next little while. I don't know for how long but I trust the Lord's timing and the nudges of the Holy Spirit guiding me. I am so grateful for our full life. This week our house will get paint and then flooring and all the rest...three months and I'll be in my new home! 13-14 weeks... Let's hope it flies by.

Snow on March's been insane.

A student did a countdown while I was on maternity leave...precious.

Colby 3 months old.

We met with the carpenter!

Emmett did his first year of rec basketball.

Sunrise on the way to the temple.

Making cake pops to share with my students

I had a birthday too! 31!

Drifts on the way to check on the house

Emmett got me rocks

I took the kids to the museum over spring break

tiny hand

temple matching game while listening to general conference

someone found his thumb!

We pranked Gramps on April Fool's Day with some "brown E's" but then gave them actual brownies.

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