Sunday, March 5, 2023

February Highlights

On February 2nd I got my braces off! I wore them exactly one year (and two weeks) and I'm so happy with the results! 

We did two ski lessons for the kids at Kelly Canyon. The first trip Emmet managed to progress enough to ride the big lift. On our second trip I brought my snowboard and had the best time watching the kids totally crush their lessons. Logan progressed enough to ride the big lift and I got to watch them both cruise all over the mountain. They were so proud of themselves when they were finished and my heart was bursting with pride and joy watching them. We finished the day eating pizza at the Heise pizza place. It is a memory I'll remember forever!

We decided to go visit Justin's family so they could meet Colby. We also decided to bless him while we were up there so his family could be a part of it. Mom and Dad zoomed in for the blessing as well as James's family. We spent a long weekend so the kids could spend time with their cousins and grandparents. They did a fun indoor park that involved harnesses and obstacles for the kids to explore. We went to a Children's museum and Justin got his escape room fix. Poor Emmett started throwing up the day before flying home. Thankfully it was all out of his system before traveling.

I have had the absolute best three years in my church calling as the primary music leader. My testimony has been strengthened so much from teaching the music to the kids. I felt so much love and joy in my heart every Sunday. I definitely felt like I had found my "sweet spot" in the church; but the bishop decided my time was up. I'm with the Young Women now. I had a tough week with the transition. I absolutely went through the five stages of grief and cried a lot over it. But I'm ready to see what growth opportunities the Lord has in store for me with this new job. Should be fun to balance with four little kids and a part-time job! Here were my facebook thoughts about being released:

Emmett started rec basketball last week. He is scrappy! He was stealing the ball like crazy in the beginning. They finally told him he had to back off so the other team could work on their offense. Justin has been heavily involved with Parks and Rec and he's even interested in starting an ultimate league. I told him he's dreaming! But that's okay - I like that about him.

As far as the house: we got our garage door on and they are still working on taping up the walls. After that it will be paint time. We're honing in our decision making skills and ready to move forward with paint, flooring, and appliances. Figuring out exactly how to do the carpentry will be a challenge. I am in total denial that in four short months we will be living in our new house. So far we are 20k over budget and we haven't even started "all the things" : pray for us!

Salsa verde pork carnitas with copy-cat Chipotle corn salsa. C'mon.

Whaddumean you go back to work tomorrow Mom??

I thought I could put off nap time until we got in the car to drive to I.F...

Kids: Why do you exercise Mom?
Me: because it makes me feel good and helps my brain work better!
Cheers to the moms who are teaching our kids that exercise is not punishment.

Constantly asking to hold their baby brother <3 

Colby boy!! At nearly three months old, this boy is sleeping 8-9 hours at night, happily breastfeeding, and is our giggly happy boy during his wake windows. My heart is full with all these boys.

This picture cracks me up! Kicking the snow just like big brother.

Are you kidding me??

The lane toward our house - this was the 25th

Picking paint colors!! 

Logan has the biggest heart. He is constantly giving his younger brothers love. Here Emmett was upset about something. I snuck a picture of Logan comforting him. I'm a big fan of our Logan boy.

Chipotle lunch with Uncle Joe

Grandma made Logan and early birthday cake.

These drifts are next level.

Beckham is our little tease. He loves to try stealing things he knows he shouldn't have (remote, cell phone, keys, pens, markers, you name it) and run away so we chase him. He wants to be in on the action with whatever his older brothers are doing. He is apprehensive around others, but when he eventually warms up it is enough to melt your heart.

Emmett is our crafty boy. He needs tape, scissors, cardboard - all the things!! - so he can create what is in that brain of his. He recently made a carnival-style fishing game with a magnet, some paper clips, and a whole lot of imagination. <3 

Early morning snuggles

This is what I mean... so much love <3 

Our Kelly Canyon ski day!! Emmett was off on the mountain somewhere. I just happened to be in line when Logan showed up with his instructor. We managed to snag a picture before it was time to load onto the lift again.

This costume is life: firefighter-ninja-storm trooper-pirate with a pillow shield

 2 month picture

Beckham had some eye trauma from a suspender whacking him in the eye.

I had to keep his pupil dilated until the injury healed.

We went to the emergency room when we saw his eye filling up with blood.

Luckily the eye didn't have any lasting damage. The eye doctor told me that David Bowie has a blown pupil from a trauma to his eye as a kid. Beckham was lucky lucky.

We often meet at the church for the kiddos to run around. I kid you not - Beckham stood in that spot for a solid 45 minutes watching with apprehension at the other kids.

Winter walks with these two buddies <3 

A friend gave us an amaryllis for Christmas. It bloomed for several days - it was gorgeous!

Playing atop the frozen drifts

The day I got my braces off

Drifts taller than the stop signs.

Last day of braces!

Checking on house progress.

Drifts blowing through the door in our rental.

Photo dump from Justin's phone

Brushing teeth!

Emmett is doing so well with his reading. Proud mama.

The BEST part of our WA trip: seeing the Christensen family! Kari is a fabulous forever friend who makes you feel like a million bucks. I feel energized and enthusiastic after hanging out with her. Beckham took no time at all warming up to her - she's a gem.

Cousin pile

Poor Colby had to wait for his milk while we got through TSA. He's never had to wait and he did not appreciate it.

Just me researching warm vacation homes for spring break.

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