Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Christmas Vacation

This has been my favorite Christmas season yet. The kids are at perfect ages, and it is something special to have a newborn at Christmastime. 

5 days old

1 week old

After several cancellations with a photographer, we booked a different one in the nick of time to get newborn pictures done.

I can't wait to see how these Santa baby pictures turned out.

Christmas Eve - obsessed with this outfit and blanket from Aunt Christy.

Beckham trying out Gramps gift.

burning Christmas boxes

look at this cute boy I made!!

Logan got a drone for Christmas! 

Justin has built an igloo with the kids the last two years. He's such a fun dad.

We went furniture shopping one day...the kids loved climbing all over the kids bed furniture.

All my kids have discovered this spot with the drawers on the coffee table.

House update! The electrician finished wiring the house yesterday. I didn't get everything *exactly* as I wanted, but the changes were easy to accept after talking through logistics.

Stuffed animal violence on Mommy

Beckham helping take down the Christmas tree.

New Year's Day: 3.5 weeks old

Justin got an escape room board game for Christmas - here we are tackling the Titanic themed puzzles.

FREEZING cold outside with a biting wind and these guys go out to play on the frozen drifts.

From Justin's phone

Poor Beckham was a total wreck during pictures.

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