Sunday, January 22, 2023

Boy's Weekend and Potty Training

Last week Justin joined the Beal brothers for an ice fishing weekend at Gabe's cabin. He took the two big kids with him leaving me home with the littles. He was able to carpool with Dad which was great (Logan ended up getting car sick and thankfully didn't get any puke in Dad's new truck!). I decided to take the opportunity with most of my household out of the way to begin potty training Beckham boy.

Beckham is only 19 months old, so this is the youngest I've ever potty trained, but I knew he was capable and I also knew I was up for the reality of it taking longer. We had lots of accidents in the beginning and SCREAMING on his potty (that was a first for my kids hahahaha!) but here we are over a week later and he is actually telling us when he has to go (I didn't expect that to happen so fast). He's also staying dry for his naps and he's waking himself up in the night to go potty (no diaper for naps or bedtime). Soon I'm sure he'll be holding it through the night but I think it's' monumental that he's waking up and holding it so Justin will come get him to take him pee. I mean, come on. Basically this is a brag post on how brilliant and capable my little guy is. He is still scared to go on the big potty, so that is what we're working on for now, but overall he's "got it" and I'm so glad I listened to my intuition that it was a good time to get it done. I really enjoyed the first four days we had without the big kids where I could focus all my attention on him. I felt connected to him and I feel like it was really healing for him after having Colby around - it restored our bond. I think the overall process has made him feel more secure: Granny and Gramps came to visit and for the first time he didn't scream in fear that we were leaving him. 

Meanwhile, the older guys had a total blast in McCall. Emmett managed to catch a fish while ice fishing (one of the three that did so), along with the video games and the cousin time. Justin was able to make it work taking Friday and Monday: as long as he can take a couple laptops with him and connect to wifi at some point.

In house news: they got all the dry wall up! It's exciting to see the rooms come together. We are 5 months in and 5 months out from finishing construction.

Justin and I managed to go on a date night to a high school basketball game last Friday night. I'll include pictures of our trip to the aquarium in Idaho Falls along with other random things we've done this month. I started my "return to weightlifting" program to rehab my body to get ready for regular lifting/crossfit. I can already tell my body is in much better condition compared to doing this program after delivering Beckham. I've also hired a life coach who is teaching me to create new pathways in my thinking. I can't change the people around me (wouldn't that be nice?) so it's on me to change me so I can be secure in who I am regardless of what other people say or think...this is harder said than done when dealing with toxic/immature people but I'm so hopeful for the outcome.  

We've never had so much snow!

dry wall is up

he was being so cute looking up at me

Logan taking pictures all around the house

the two boys painting snow while Emmett was at school

Logan and I play splendor while Emmett is at school

Beckham figured out how to climb up the bunk beds

dry wall ready to go up

truck rides with Granny to check on the house

the roof is up and looking great!

potty training day one!

Logan helping make dinner

Emmett likes to create puzzles

I brought the potty chair in from the shed - hahaha lots of gunk after years of sitting in there

We had a warm day (30 degrees and no wind) giving me a chance to clean out the coop!

I love his long toes!

1 month old

aquarium time

the two big kids making dinner

Logan playing his "Jesus song" for me

Not sure what this face is for but I love it!

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