Sunday, July 31, 2022

Mexico and Emmett's 6th Birthday

 Pictures are not uploading correctly...working backwards to front.

I journaled every night of our trip so I think I will upload my journal pages on here as well so I have all the details digitally as well.

This was our last night in Mexico. One of my favorite dinners - my favorite being dinner in the cenote. We had my favorite waiter Victor. The fried bread here made me want to go home and make Mom's scones. The signature drink was a sassy lemonade. All eight courses were soooo tasty.

They decorated our room on the final night to celebrate our new addition.

Dessert that night...this chocolate one was the best of the trip.

Originally were were supposed to have dinner here at Las Cuevas (the cave) but it was too humid and I needed AC. We downed our water and ditched!

The beginning of the show at XCaret - I had to leave at intermission. I feel like I needed to sign a waiver just to sit in that arena. So hot and humid for this pregnant lady!

We spent our last day at Xel Hal. They had the most for me to do with my pregnancy. We origially wanted to do Xenotes ("extreme cenotes") but as the name entails, most likely the zip lining, etc would have been off limits to me.

Xel Hal offered snorkeling (in the entire inlet!) and the jungle bike ride. We also walked the entire resort to check everything out and had a buffet lunch here. I tried to go down a very mild zipline that dipped into the water but they wouldn't let me do it. Ha.

We spent a second day at XCaret to swim with the dolphins and then had our driver take us over to Xplor. Unfortunately, pregnancy kept me from doing 90% of the activities here! We enjoyed the buffet and then did the cave float. We had a guide at this park who led us to the front of the lines for the buffet and the float... this royal treatment almost made up for not getting to do anything else BUT it would have been great to get to cut all the lines for all the lines, side by sides, etc...

My favorite day was XCaret. We didn't get to do the sea walk but other than that, all activities were open to us. We had our fancy dinner that night at "Ha" - one of the contestants of Top Chef owns it. I was let down by the food. Too gimicky. Still a cool experience.

The best breakfast sandwich!

Day one was Chichen Itza. We were spoiled with a private driver and a private guide for the ruins. We got to swim in a cenote and have a delicious lunch buffet. I also made a tortilla with a Mayan decendant.

We arrived in Mexico on a Friday. We had time just to relax at the hotel and then have our private dinner at a cenote. The food was the best we would have the entire trip, and having the cenote to ourselves with floating lanterns and live music just for us... incredible.

When we first arrived at the hotel we were brought a "refreshing towel" and a fruity drink.... pinch me!

Uploads from Justin's phone

a humongous grasshopper landed on me while we waited for our driver
photos after we returned home

Justin's parents watched the kids while we were away. We celebrated Emmett's birthday the day we got back. Judy made his elaborate cake. Emmett is my sweet boy...we love him so much <3 

The day after the Roses left, my sister came to town to play. We hit the swinging tree and the following morning we did Craters. Phew! I was exhausted after they left. The sleep deprivation from traveling home finally fit me.

My boys sure love spending time with their cousin McCoy.

Emmett is quite the artist. He taught me how to draw an angler fish. He's also done several dinosaurs with me and an iguana.

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