Sunday, June 5, 2022

Soccer Starts

What a fun first week of summer. Tuesday we had the first soccer practice for the kiddos and Thursday was their first game. Emmett scored the first goal of his game! He scored twice - well done buddy! Logan was quite miserable during his game; I think he just wanted to go home. Ha! 

Thursday I took the three kids to Idaho Falls. I went to the orthodontist and got myself a power chain for my top teeth - yeesh! My top and bottom front teeth are definitely on the move. I'm about halfway through with my treatment. We got Wendy's for lunch and the kids used their egg money to pick out a toy at Target. I wanted to update my home decor in the family room so I got to do some fun shopping too. From there it was grocery pick up and home in time for soccer.

Saturday we got up and did chores around the house before we headed to Craters. Indian Tunnel is open after being closed for 3+ years! Justin had never been through the whole thing before, and of course neither had the kids. As we were going Justin was like, "Are you sure it opens up at the end? Everyone else is turning around..." I told him, "You - unlike them - have a local with you!" The kids absolutely loved it and the weather was perfect: overcast with a drizzle here and there but it kept it from being too hot. We popped in at home for lunch and then pressed on to Idaho Falls. I talked Justin into JUST LOOKING at campers ;) I also needed to return some Target items. We actually found a couple campers that we liked and may decide to make a move on one next week. I would absolutely love to have one in time for our Bear Lake Beal campout.

Singing time rarely gets spiritual for me but today it hit me hard. With 11 o'clock church I have allowed myself the luxury to prep the morning of (although I decide which songs a week in advance). I was prepping for "A Child's Prayer" and on the way out the door I remembered I had this idea to post two main questions the song asks with a few answers the verses give. I cut those into strips and taped them around the primary room. We sang through the song once and I had two kids go find the two questions: Heavenly Father, are you REALLY there? And do you hear and answer EVERY child's prayer? They posted them on the board. We sang it through again and then I had three kids go find my three answers: Pray: He is there. Speak; He is listening. He hears your prayers. After they posted them I asked the two questions again and then shared the answers and started crying: Pray - He IS there Speak - He IS listening. I was blubbering quite a bit and we tried to sing the second verse through once after that.(Logan was very concerned..."Mom, why are you crying?") I could see the primary teachers were crying too and it was just a powerful moment. The kids mostly looked confused but I hope they felt the spirit testify to them that Heavenly Father hears their prayers. 

This little moment came at a tender time for me. I have been feeling like my prayers have been going unanswered. I've been feeling hurt, disappointed, confused, and sometimes frustrated/bitter about it. But I am so grateful today for the strong spirit I felt as I shared this Q&A in singing time. Heavenly Father, are you REALLY there? And do you hear and answer EVERY child's prayer?  He IS there; He IS listening. He hears your prayers.

That's a little patch of snow up ahead! It's been a chilly spring.

The wild flowers were ON. Such a fun time to be out there.

New decor - I have a lantern coming for the bottom left area.

Orthodontist waiting room.

The before...

Upload from Justin's phone

I mean, come on!

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