Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Spring Break

I had a busy spring break with traveling all over! Thursday I ditched school early because there was an assembly last hour. I settled the kids with Justin and then met up with Mom and Trisha to head to Boise. Mitzi invited the Beal women to come paint her bedroom and Mom, Trisha and I answered the call. Beckham joined me for my 10 days of travel because he's breastfeeding.

We got there Thursday night in time for some taco soup. There was enough time in the day that Mom, Trisha, and Mitzi suited up and threw on a coat of primer. Friday morning we got some coaching from Mitzi about proper product placement because the previous night's job was not going to cut it! We managed to get a coat of primer on while Beckham napped and went for a walk while it dried. That afternoon we had enough time to get two coats of paint and then head to dinner at Zuppa's. We topped off the night with Anne of Green Gables.

A busted stroller meant carrying baby while we walked at the park - his preferred position! Hahaha

Saturday Mom and Trisha took off for home while I stayed behind to catch a flight Sunday morning. Mitzi and I had a pretty chill day. We did some shopping, grabbed lunch at Chipotle, and I enjoyed a much needed nap. While on our walk the previous day, I wheeled my stroller through a parking lot full of goat heads unbeknownst to me, and THREE punctured my stroller innertube! So annoying, but we managed to get it fixed in time. We grabbed ice cream at Culver's (my new favorite) and watched TV before bed.

Sunday it was time to head to AZ! Justin asked me a while back what I'd like for my 30th birthday. I said if I was to do anything, I would want to see my friend Rachel. So I made it happen! I flew down to Phoenix and my friend Heather picked me up. She was a friend from our WA days who recently moved to Mesa. I spent Sunday night with her family. We sat around the table Sunday night to do Come, Follow Me and it filled my cup in a way I didn't know I needed. As the mom, I'm the one trying to teach my littles and at church I'm also teaching the littles through song. It was so refreshing to sit around a table and let my cup be filled with the discussion. Wow - I was so impressed with those kids. 

Monday Heather treated me to lunch and gelato and then dropped me off at Rachel's. Rachel is my soul sister. I hadn't seen her in three years and it's like no time has passed when we're together. We've been friends for nine years, but only lived in the same state for one. 

Dean is a gifted piano player; their family gathers around the piano and sings the most beautiful harmony! 

Tuesday was the best day with her! We went to High-Low Fitness class at the rec center with just her and me with the instructor because nobody else showed! After we got cleaned up, Rachel treated me to a birthday foot zone. She said my thyroid is the healthiest she's ever felt in a woman. We went to lunch and then grabbed some groceries so we could cook dinner together for her fam (she's got seven kids with four left at home). I made them butter chicken with rice and naan which was a new recipe for her family. Rachel was licking her fingers at the end and everyone grabbed seconds - it's one of our favs!

We are terrible at taking pictures together because we're too busy enjoying our time! But I did manage to have her daughter snag this pic of us while we made dinner. 

Wednesday was another travel day. Rachel drove me to the airport to head to Seattle. I cried as we said goodbye. She is a special person who has continued to bless my life. She sees me exactly the way I want to show up in the world and sees me as the person I want to become. Every time I'm with her I feel so uplifted. She is truly an angel on this earth. Beckham had a hard time on this flight up to Seattle. He fitfully napped while he nursed 90% of the three-hour flight and I was completely exhausted by the end - and ravenous. He had been nursing a lot more the whole week probably because he was freaked out by all the new people and new places. Justin picked me up and took me to lunch. We met up at his parents house for dinner. 

snuggles for aunt Laura

Thursday we headed to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. It was cloudy and chilly at 40-something degrees. I thought 40 degrees would feel warmer but with all the water in the air I was freezing! The animals were smarter than we were and stayed in their warm spaces for the most part, but at the very end we saw the gorillas and there were two babies that we absolutely adorable. Everyone was hushed around that enclosure - it kind of felt like a sacred space to me. So precious those babies with their mommas. We had lunch at the zoo and headed home to relax the rest of the afternoon. We had family pictures scheduled for that evening, then headed to Jon's for dinner.

The kids are obsessed with their new snugglies from the zoo

Emmett was so excited about his costume

Friday we did the Vashon Island ferry and drove to the lighthouse on the beach for lunch. I took the kids plus Joe to pick out cupcakes to share for the picnic. It was breezy but sunny, so we had a great time. It made for another long day with driving and ferrying every which way, so it was lovely to hire a babysitter so we could do adult dinner for our last night in town. We played games at Jon's house afterward.

Saturday my friend Suanne picked me up so we could grab "coffee" and catch up. This trip was booked nearly every second, so I was lucky to have any time to sneak away to see a friend. We gabbed for an hour and then I met up with everyone for brunch at Jon's. They did an Easter egg hunt for the kids that afternoon and then we played at their neighborhood playground. The rain chased us back indoors where we killed time until out 7PM flight. The flight home was absolutely dreamy compared to the AZ-WA flight. Beckham fell asleep after takeoff and stayed asleep the entire way. Emmett had a window seat next to me and was absolutely amazed at everything which was so fun. Flying to Idaho Falls is a new kind of luxury for us to only have an hour drive home from the airport. Our kids were zonked and thankfully slept in today so we could get a bit of recovery. Saturday night was my first in my own bed since the Wednesday of the previous week! 

It's not a Rose gathering without an Easter egg hunt.

Today we caught the last two sessions of conference. It was so nice not to plan a singing time after all that traveling. Tomorrow is back to real life and then only 7.5 weeks until summer break. Sneak Peek from pictures!!

Some pictures from before spring break

Home at last

Logan living his best life

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