Sunday, March 20, 2022

30th birthday

This week in class my 8th graders had a potential/kinetic energy project that was their assessment. They had to figure out how to get a marble to move for 20 seconds. At the end of day three most groups barely had five seconds, so I lowered the bar to 10 seconds. All but one group was able to make that happen within one more day. They worked so hard I decided to bring them treats so naturally Justin volunteered and we ate cinnamon rolls while I walked around and did the final judging. Two groups managed to hit the original 20 second mark and exceed it even. Well done! 

Friday we had glorious weather. I watched Lacy's kids in the afternoon and we managed to go for a bike ride. Once Justin finished work we loaded up the family and walked the entire greenbelt down and back. That was a first for the kids. They're more mobile every year as they get older; we're looking forward to more adventures this summer.

As for my birthday, I booked a trip to AZ during spring break to see a couple of friends so that's my big gift (along with some new clothes to go with my trip, of course). I also get to have a sister's weekend in Boise leading up to my flight to AZ, so I am counting all that quality time as my gift...even if we are painting Mitzi's house which will be interested as I'll have Beckham with me. Being the baby of the family and to hit this milestone makes me wonder how it makes everyone else feel! We're entering a new phase of life, that's for sure. I am so grateful for my life. I love my husband, my kids, my job, and my life. I love our simple life with our garden and our kids. We're not flashy, we don't do flashy things; we are just happy exactly the way we are and I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and joy with my life. We anticipate to build a house soon though it may not be this year. If it's not, that's okay. We have cheap rent and hopefully the rental can survive while we continue to save and see what the future holds. 50 is the new 30 I say. Bring it on!

Something about blowing out my candles scared poor Beckham

Mom and Dad invited us over for birthday dinner after church. Now that Beckham can crawl around and sit up on his own it's fun to watch him interact with Emmett and Logan. Here they all are playing Legos while we sat around to chat.

I purchased a curriculum from The Good and the Beautiful because I've been wanting to teach Emmett to read but I don't know where to start. He's eager to start and it's fun to see him pick things up. Kindergarten round up is next month! Oh boy...

First haircut!

Fixing up the truck with Dad 💗

Emmett helps make cinnamon rolls

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