Sunday, November 7, 2021



Our boys are totally in love with their friend Sloane. We sense a future brotherly feud over her unrequited love - ha!
We went exploring in the canal by Mathew's 

The Beals took a trip to Indianapolis to take Dad to a football game. We opted to stay home and I was for sure feeling the FOMO this week. I have to include pictures of their trip! I don't think I've ever seen such joy on Dad's face.

I took some friend's ideas on what to do with Halloween candy. We opted for the "switch witch" who did not disappoint. Emmett got an excavation kit and Logan got two nerf guns.

Emmett called me to the toy room..."Mom, I built this for you!"

Emmett insisted I get a picture of the mosasaur next to the magnets.

Justin tilled the garden which made for prime digging play time for these two

I've been thinking about our piano and decided if we can't start building in the spring due to supply chain issues, we would treat ourselves to a piano. Then I asked Trisha where she bought hers to get an idea of where I'd be shopping around. Cue Halloween, Trisha received a notice from BYU-Idaho that they were doing a huge piano sale and letter recipients could come get first pick before the public sale. WHAT!??! I made an appointment and I hope to pick one up this week! In the meantime Justin is making something sentimental out of this beast for his family since it was his grandmothers....or his dad's grandmothers...something like that.

rock, rock, rock....

Halloween at Trisha's house did not disappoint! She invited us to come and our kids loved the neighborhood experience. Everything from walking door-to-door and then handing out candy when we got back to Trisha's. That night we played an escape room board game with Trisha, Travis, and Hailey and then we watched Jaws which was surprisingly good after so long! We zipped back to Arco in time for church Sunday morning. We enjoy quality time with Trisha and her family - my kids absolutely idolize McCoy.

Beckham watching me lesson plan/grade

These two! Logan gets conned into pulling Emmett in the wagon

Boo on the Boulevard in Arco! I love that Arco puts this on. It's trick-or-treating to all the businesses on main street. It's FUN!

Logan was veeeeery suspicious of that bigfoot....trying to decide if it was real or not.

We have Justin to thank for the Halloween accessories on the carseat.

Logan had his first visit to the dentist. I had Emmett go first so Logan could see it's no big deal. However, last time Emmett was in the hot seat he had his tongue tie procedure, so he was a bit jumpy. He settled down when he realized there was no laser coming for him.

In other news, we are getting ready for the primary program in two weeks. I realized today that Logan will be in primary in the new year! Wow - my boys are growing up.

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