Sunday, November 14, 2021

Beckham 5 Months

This week we had parent-teacher conferences. I had four or five parents come. I had Beckham and Logan with me and I managed to use that time to print out all the curriculum I've purchased. There isn't a textbook to teach from, so I've been utilizing Teachers Pay Teachers to find material to teach with. It has saved me so much time/energy! So that was great to get it all printed out and organized in binders. (It filled 6 binders! And that is just for classwork stuff...not labs/tests/study guides/demos/ppts/etc!) Soooo worth it.

We started our annual "thankful turkey" - I'd like to note that my kids were grateful for Urban and Sloan's parents before they were grateful for their own 😂 I think I barely made the thankful wall TODAY after some major hinting.

The fire department came to preschool 😍

We had sick kids home last week. This is Logan during his mid-morning nap...didn't even make it to noon before needing some extra rest!

Beckham boy turned 5 months on the 11th. He is so great. This 6 month penguin outfit is already bursting at the seams.

smiling at his brothers 💙

Justin and I got a babysitter Friday night to go to the 8th grade girls basketball game. They slaughtered Firth 👏 This group will probably take state when they get to high school - there is a ton of talent!

We walked to Granny's and had Beckham sit forward-facing in his stroller! His hat kept moving down over his eyes, but you could tell he enjoyed his new view.

Smiling at Logan while he plays Peek-a-Boo with him

Justin keeps Beckham while I do singing is always prime napping time.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the toys!

Thursday after school Justin met me in Arco and we zipped over to Rexburg. Trisha received a notice in the mail that BYU-I was selling a bunch of their pianos at a major discount because they recently had lots of new pianos donated. Letter recipients could come before the general sale that weekend. Trisha generously shared this info with me because I had recently asked her where she bought her piano. I was planning to buy a new one in the spring sometime, but then she got this letter! Amazing!

How fun is this cherry red baby grand?😍 Only $15,000 😅

Making rolls with Dad.

Getting ready for our primary program next week.

Thankful turkey time!

We had "community Christmas craft" day on Saturday. Emmett and Logan still had nasty coughs, so we got the supplies and made it at home. 

The weather has been amazing. Not too cold yet...we are soaking up the time outside while we still can.

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