Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Beckham: One month old

Beckham's first month has been a whirlwind between both families having their reunions during this time. 

He started out sleeping two-hour stretches and then like magic, the night he hit four weeks old he gave me a four-hour stretch. Since then he's been waking up 1-2 times a night which has me feeling like a queen after being up every two hours. When he wakes in the night, the majority of the time I feed him and he goes back down easily. But he's had a few doozies where he's up 1-2 hours fighting a burp/gas bubble that I just can't manage to get out.

He was a very sleepy newborn and then sure enough, right around the two-week mark he started having noticeable nap times with more alert time. He makes adorable sounds in his sleep. He is not a fan of the swaddle, taking after Logan. 

Beckham had goopy eyes from the start which all my kids have had, and now at one month that has completely cleared out of his left eye. He still has some clogging on his right eye but it's much better and continuing to improve. He also has a hemangioma next to his right eye. Right now it's colorless - we'll see if it changes color or gets bigger as he ages.

He has outgrown his newborn clothes. We moved him to size 1 diapers after week one. He weighed 8 lbs at two weeks old, 9 lbs 3 oz at three weeks, and now at one month he's 10 lbs 3 oz. He is chunking up for sure and already looks HUGE to me! Huge and long!

Beckham lost his belly button stump at four days old. The majority of my postpartum bleeding stopped at two weeks. Amazing! I had a few random days of spotting during weeks three and four, but I think I'm officially out of the woods as long as I don't try to get too physical. I plan to do a "return to weightlifting" program once I'm cleared for exercise.

Weeks 0-1

birthday buddies!

newborn session at 7 days old

weeks 1-2

weeks 2-3

weeks 3-4

Enjoy an impromptu photo session courtesy of Aunt Christy 

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