Wednesday, July 21, 2021

4th of July

We made it out to Trisha's for her neighborhood's 4th of July celebrations on Friday the 2nd. The kids played in the afternoon on the giant water slide the neighbors rented. After the water time I had a hair appointment to finally cut/color my mullet of a hair style. I was trying to grow it out and as it got longer I realized how much work it was to fix every dang day and I am just not having it! Back to my short and sassy hair, thank you very much. Trisha grilled burgers for all of us and then we hit her neighborhood firework show that night. This show as no joke! Music and amazing fireworks, all a block from her house. The noise was too loud for me and made me nervous for Beckham so I walked back to Trisha's and enjoyed the show from her front porch. We drove back home afterward which wasn't too bad. Justin took the kids to the Arco parade the next day, and then it was time to pack for the Rose family reunion. 

We got two more kittens because, why not?

Crazy sunset - no filter on this thing. It felt like the end of times!

goodbye mullet hair

hello short(er) hair (I need to get it cut a bit more until I'm totally happy with it. For now this will do.)

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