Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Breech Baby

Last Sunday night we took flowers to Grandma and Grandpa Beal's graves. On Memorial Day we drove to Idaho Falls because Emmett was invited to a birthday party. We went over early to hit Walmart and with our extra time, we took the kids to walk around the temple grounds. We've been meaning to do that for a while and it was the perfect day for it. At the birthday party the kids had pizza and cake at Tauphaus Park. Our kids were two of the three that showed up so I was glad we were there for the birthday boy. After driving home we shared dinner with Mom and Dad.

Tuesday was my midwife home visit. I made a decision at 35 weeks to hire a doula and regretted it pretty quickly. The plan was to have her come to the home visit so the whole birth team could meet, but I ended up firing her that morning before she drove all the way out here. When it comes to your birth team, you just have to trust your gut! I was watching Chelsie's kids so she could go to her OBGYN appointment in I.F. and the kids were great while Tabitha checked on baby. She spent a lot of time looking around because almost immediately she suspected baby was breech. What the?! Only 3% of babies are breech after 37 weeks and here I was 38 weeks with a breech baby. Logan was breech at my 37 week appointment. My midwife at the time said if he hadn't flipped by the next week we would schedule an external version, but at 38 weeks he had turned. Being 38 weeks with a breech baby meant we needed to make some things happen fast. Tabitha tried turning baby a few times, but the most she was able to do was get baby transverse. I agreed to schedule an ultrasound for the following day, which she would attend with me, and then immediately she and another midwife would do an external version if baby wasn't head down. This was so intersting to me...I swear, babies know what is up. Baby was head down the week before and I was having tons of Braxton-Hicks contractions (probably because his/her head was pushing on the cervix). But I was having anxiety about what to do about this doula that I definitely didn't want at my birth anymore. It's like baby could tell and flipped! Like, "Uh-uh, Mom's not ready for this yet," and just flipped him/herself around! All day Tuesday I talked to my belly, "It's okay - Mommy fired the doula - it's safe to turn head down again!" hahaha

As soon as she left I went to work on my Spinning Babies maneuvers to do what I could to encourage baby to flip. That afternoon, that evening, and the following morning before leaving for Idaho Falls, I did sets of breech tilts, forward leaning inversions, and hands and knees cat/cow positions. I listened to relaxing tracks and had a lot of conversations with baby about finding space to flip.πŸ˜‚ I also got busy on the phone and made appointments for acupuncture, chiropractic work, and pelvic floor physical therapy, all before my scheduled ultrasound so I could cancel it if baby was turned in time. I had a chiropractor appointment that afternoon and told him what was up. He's certified to turn babies, but I didn't have him try since baby had already been through a lot that day and I wanted to see if any of my work would get baby to turn. We also had Emmett's t-ball sign up that night. Phew - busy day!

Play time with Easton and Kayla

Wednesday morning the whole family drove to Idaho Falls with me. Justin dropped me off for my acupuncture appointment and took the kids to the park. He is also a chiropractor, so before starting any acupuncture he decided to check me out and sure enough, he could tell my pelvis was off which wasn't creating the space baby needed to be head down. He got that all untwisted (pelvis was crooked and concave - sheesh), then cracked my back in about 1,000 places, elongating my spine and creating more space. He checked baby's position after all that and said baby was in a totally different position than when he first checked me out. Sure enough, my belly was going nuts with how much baby was moving. He suspected baby had the room now that he/she would just float on down. While I had originally booked the session for acupuncture alone, he said it wasn't a good idea to go forward with the acupuncture because those points can also induce labor, and my body wasn't ready for that yet (especially with uncertainty on baby's position). I scheduled to come back in a week in case my pelvis decides to be naughty and go wonky again. Maybe if everything looks good he can try acupuncture next time and get baby here before the Beal reunion. πŸ˜‚

Justin told his boss about what was going on, but he had a big important call he couldn't get out of where he was demonstrating a tool he built for all the C-levels in the company. So he dropped me off with the kids in front of the physical therapy office while he did his call in the car using his hot spot. He's a wizz! The physical therapist didn't do much. He did a couple pressure points on my face and tapped around my belly a bit but that was it. I wasn't impressed, but in his defense, there wasn't much to do after Dr. Orchard. We grabbed lunch and then headed to Tabitha's to see if baby was head down or if we still needed the ultrasound appointment to do the EV. Right away she could tell: baby was head down! Yay! Oh hallelujah. This was such a relief. I called the ultrasound place and cancelled it right away. Baby is still floating pretty high, so my homework now is to see what I can do to get baby to engage a little bit. But ... there's only so much you can do, and after your first baby, a lot of times baby doesn't drop until you're in labor. So I'm not worried. Just so grateful to have a head down baby!

The kids were comfy while we waited for the doctor at the physical therapist office πŸ˜‚

We had some time before our Walmart order was ready for pickup, so we swung over to Trisha's to say hello for a bit. The kids played for about an hour and we headed to Walmart on our way home.  

Thursday I got my hair done for the first time in months. That felt great! My hair is slowly moving out of the frumpy, in-between, grow out stage. Emmett had his first t-ball practice which Justin jumped in to help with because there were TONS of kids and only two adults. After that practice Justin came home and built a bunch of t-ball t's for the next practice out of some PVC pipe we had lying around.

Justin helping the kids field grounders

Trisha had kid camping chairs her family has grown out of - my lucky boys  now have cozy camp chairs 😍

This week has been HOT. I've been doing my two-mile walks early in the mornings because it's too dang hot any other time. Friday we took the kids swimming and we practically had the place to ourselves. Justin ordered us another AC window unit. Our room especially heats up really bad. Once that comes then baby can definitely come anytime, day or night. πŸ˜‚ Last night I installed the baby's car seat and cleaned a bunch. Justin was teasing me in my nesting fit. 

My adorable nesting box curtains Lacy sewed for me😍

swimming at the KOA

picking asparagus

That thing was massive!

Sweet Logan
He insisted on going with me for my Saturday morning walk. We had to stop so he could pick me some flowers along the way πŸ’“

A green themed lunch
So close to falling asleep
Doing one of my three, 30-minute breech tilts. Can you tell baby prefers my right side? πŸ˜‚

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