Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Weekend

Last Tuesday I saw the third of the three midwives in the "Wholehearted Birth" practice for my prenatal appointment. Tabitha had me meet her in the event she doesn't make it to my birth because of another client. I really jive with all the midwives so that's great. While in Pocatello we hit up Costco and Winco for some major meal prep for postpartum. Driving  home was exhausting, and I couldn't get to my chiropractor appointment fast enough! After state track and then driving to and from Pocatello that day I needed some help for sure. He fixed me right up and I'll try to go weekly from now until baby comes. He has helped SO much with my pregnancy pain which has helped me stay active. Lately I've been working to encourage baby to be anterior for delivery. It's exhausting doing ALL the things to get ready for birth.

Logan said, "Mom take a picture of me!"

The kids always bring me flowers - Logan found a whole branch with flowers and thought I needed it 💓

Thursday I meal prepped nine postpartum meals and Friday I did the tenth and final freezer meal. I was pretty exhausted this week and was having TONS of Braxton-Hicks. It made me wonder if baby was going to decide to come! But I'm feeling pretty normal again so probably not. However, baby is WELCOME to come any time. I hired a cleaning lady to come detail clean both my bathrooms, and I have all my birth supplies gathered and ready. Now just to be patient and let baby come when he/she is ready.

Meal prepping on Thursday

The boys got a surprise package from the Rose grandparents

Tall enough to reach the chain! Barely 😂

Friday's meal prep: this one takes a lot of work but it's so good. I've had it as a postpartum meal for both my other kids.
My list of the other nine meals, all of which I prepped Thursday

Granny bird watching for Western Tanagers with the kids

Birth supplies are ready to go in my now spotless bathroom 😍

Saturday we planted 1/2 the garden. The kids were our little helpers. I have been looking forward to this all spring. It's fun having them help plant and watch what they plant grow. We also took the kids swimming to the Arco KOA that afternoon, played at the park, and got pizza for dinner. We walked the tiller down to Mom and Dad's to find Aunt Allison and Aunt Karen were there. It was fun catching up with them. 

Parenting win: while the boys were taking a bath I overheard Emmett say to Logan, "Logan when you're finished, can I have a turn?" I've been pounding into both their brains how to share. Whether Logan was willing to give Emmett a turn in a timely manner was another conversation, but I wasn't going to be greedy - so proud!

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