Sunday, May 30, 2021

Memorial Weekend

Last Tuesday I saw the third of the three midwives in the "Wholehearted Birth" practice for my prenatal appointment. Tabitha had me meet her in the event she doesn't make it to my birth because of another client. I really jive with all the midwives so that's great. While in Pocatello we hit up Costco and Winco for some major meal prep for postpartum. Driving  home was exhausting, and I couldn't get to my chiropractor appointment fast enough! After state track and then driving to and from Pocatello that day I needed some help for sure. He fixed me right up and I'll try to go weekly from now until baby comes. He has helped SO much with my pregnancy pain which has helped me stay active. Lately I've been working to encourage baby to be anterior for delivery. It's exhausting doing ALL the things to get ready for birth.

Logan said, "Mom take a picture of me!"

The kids always bring me flowers - Logan found a whole branch with flowers and thought I needed it 💓

Thursday I meal prepped nine postpartum meals and Friday I did the tenth and final freezer meal. I was pretty exhausted this week and was having TONS of Braxton-Hicks. It made me wonder if baby was going to decide to come! But I'm feeling pretty normal again so probably not. However, baby is WELCOME to come any time. I hired a cleaning lady to come detail clean both my bathrooms, and I have all my birth supplies gathered and ready. Now just to be patient and let baby come when he/she is ready.

Meal prepping on Thursday

The boys got a surprise package from the Rose grandparents

Tall enough to reach the chain! Barely 😂

Friday's meal prep: this one takes a lot of work but it's so good. I've had it as a postpartum meal for both my other kids.
My list of the other nine meals, all of which I prepped Thursday

Granny bird watching for Western Tanagers with the kids

Birth supplies are ready to go in my now spotless bathroom 😍

Saturday we planted 1/2 the garden. The kids were our little helpers. I have been looking forward to this all spring. It's fun having them help plant and watch what they plant grow. We also took the kids swimming to the Arco KOA that afternoon, played at the park, and got pizza for dinner. We walked the tiller down to Mom and Dad's to find Aunt Allison and Aunt Karen were there. It was fun catching up with them. 

Parenting win: while the boys were taking a bath I overheard Emmett say to Logan, "Logan when you're finished, can I have a turn?" I've been pounding into both their brains how to share. Whether Logan was willing to give Emmett a turn in a timely manner was another conversation, but I wasn't going to be greedy - so proud!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

State Track

This weekend was arguably one of the worst weekends of my life.😂 Wednesday night when I was packing for Boise, the forecast predicted high 60's with partly cloudy skies. Perfect! I packed two pairs of shorts, a pair of capris, my light jacket and threw in my long sleeve coaches shirt juuuuust in case I felt a little chilly. 

Thursday morning it was a tad chilly here in Arco, so I figured I would put on a pair of jeans and wear sandals that would feel lovely over in Middleton. The bus was scheduled to leave at 10:30 and I was all ready by 9:45. I read to the kids while I was waiting to leave and got a phone call asking if I was riding the bus because it was leaving. Apparently they moved the time to 10:00 but failed to notify my - helloooo!!! We made our way to the hotel to unload and then head to Middleton to for the kids to practice handoffs, get their marks, etc. With all the 3A, 2A, and 1A schools there at the same time trying to do the same thing, it was an absolute nightmare! And it was FREEZING. I couldn't believe how windy and cold it was... a cautionary tale for the days to come. After dinner I worked with another coach who I was rooming with to get kids in their appropriate rooms, get them to sleep on time, keep them in their rooms, etc. 

Friday was absolutely miserable. By now the forecast had wind gusts up to 40 mph with on-and-off rain all day and temperatures in the 40's. Long gone were the shorts/capris I had planned to wear. I wore my single pair of jeans all three days #noshame. One of my athletes had her 400 preliminaries that day. She wasn't scheduled to run until 5:30 or 6:00 that night. After arriving at the track at 8:30AM, they ran the two-mile from 9:30-11:30. Then there was NOTHING until 3:30PM. It was raining. It was windy as I'll get out. I was helping hold down the fort in the bleachers that we had set up. Remember, I had my LIGHT jacket, period. No umbrella, no blanket, no nothing. Not even a warm shirt! Thank goodness the AD had the heart to go buy a canopy so we were dry. From 11:30-3:30 we sat in those bleachers just waiting for preliminaries, and it was truly indescribably horrible. From there we sat for an additional four hours for our athletes to finish up their events and receive their medals. My 400 runner didn't make finals but she ran a decent time considering the awful circumstances.

This is Coach Laura, my roommate for the week. She felt me shivering and gave me her blanket. "You need this more than I do," she said. She's wasn't wrong!

Alayna getting ready for her 400 open

At some point during the day I texted Mitzi to please come to my rescue for the next day. She graciously met me at the hotel that night and brought her heavy jean quilt, a winter coat, hat, and an umbrella. Saturday went MUCH better all thanks to her. We had kids in field events at 9:00 and because we had our shelter set up better this time, I was able to leave and actually walk around to watch them. We did the parade of athletes at 11:30 and finals started at 12:30. I really enjoyed watching all the races. Natalya is our superstar track athlete (also the anchor on our 4X400). She was the defending state champ in the 800m, but she was seeded 4th in her race. She wanted to win gold SO bad and her race was incredible! She defended her title winning the gold, PRed by two seconds, and came milliseconds from breaking the state record. After that I got with my 4X400 team and made sure they were all in a good head space for their race. The boys 3A 4X400 was right before ours and it was the CRAZIEST thing I have ever seen! Every hand off (minus the staggered one) was neck-and-neck with boys stumbling over each other desperate to get their baton to their next leg before the next guy. It was awesome! My girls didn't do as well as they would have liked. They had a real shot at medaling and couldn't quite pull it off, but the points they earned moved us from a tied position to 4th place, so our 1A girls team took home a 4th place trophy overall. After everyone received their medals/trophies and all the things were packed up, it was finally time to head home. This was the LONGEST three days of my life and I couldn't wait for it all to be over. We rolled into Arco around 12:30 AM and I was in bed around 1:30. Church today was pretty rough and I'll welcome an early bedtime today.

Natalya holding the 4th place trophy.

Aside from the exhaustion of the track meet itself, helping out as one of the coaches had a lot of other responsibilities that made for an interesting week. I helped make sure kids were in bed on time, in their appropriate rooms, awake on time, etc. One of our coaches actually got taken away from the track meet in an ambulance for heart trouble on Friday. We were a bit of a hot mess all week! I decided I won't be coaching again unless I get to be in charge. With my personality (and my idea of how things are run, be it a team or a classroom, whatever) it was frustrating seeing how poorly things were being done all week. As one of the assistants I kinda had to smile and nod to back up those decisions when I would hold things to a higher standard. But I just reminded myself that it wasn't my job, and literally my only job was to not have a baby while I was over there while making it the best experience I could for those 400 girls. They were a total joy to work with and some of the nicest girls you'll ever meet, so if it wasn't for them I probably would have peaced out of the job a long time ago.✌ For now I get to be home and do nothing but love on my babies and my chickens and get ready to have this baby in the next few weeks. 37 weeks! It's time to test for GBS and get ready to give birth!

I'll never not put flowers in my hair that the kids bring me 💓

freshly washed eggs ready to go to friends for helping watch my kids while I was away at state

Eggs for Granny

We watched Urban and Sloane again this week - the kids had a blast collecting pine cones at the park.

Popsicle buddies

Granny came to take the kids asparagus hunting 💓

Monday, May 17, 2021

Coop Overboard!

Last night we had a crazy wind storm that tipped the chicken coop over! I was putting kids to bed while Justin went outside to gather items so they didn't blow away. He walked to the backyard and saw the whole thing tip. By some miracle, none of the chickens were crushed. We loaded all eight hens into the kennel and put them in the shed for the time being while we figured out what to do. Justin called Dad right away to see what they could salvage. I went back inside to finish putting the kids to bed. We said a special prayer that Daddy and Gramps would be able to fix what they could and we would figure something out for the hens. 

I didn't get a picture until they got the bulk of it put back upright

Amazingly, the coop was mostly fine! The water box and nesting boxes were totally intact. The chicken door and main door were fine. The roof was the biggest issue, but even then they were able to get it screwed back on to the top. We'll need to fix a few things but after Justin and Dad worked on it, we were able to put the hens back in their coop for bedtime! Amazing! Dad got some metal fence posts and the two of them secured those to the coop on each corner. The roof might blow off in another crazy wind storm but the coop shouldn't go anywhere!😂 Mom zipped over at one point while they were fixing things up. I told her, "We can't live here without you guys - it's too treacherous!"

The roof definitely took the biggest beating

We need to build a new chicken ramp

new metal pole braces

The front is a bit beat up but it will still work. Now it just has character

Main door swings open and shut just fine. I'll have to leave it open today until we get their new ramp built.

I did some serious nesting last week. On Monday I got the baby room all spruced up and ready. I sold a bunch of things off FB marketplace and made room for a new dresser for the boys' room. I watched Lacy's kids that day and she watched mine on Tuesday so I could go to Idaho Falls kid-free. I saw my midwife, picked up a dresser off FB marketplace, and brought three more hens home. Eight feels just right. I love them! That afternoon, Butte hosted for district track. My girls 4X400m team PRed by 13 seconds and took first place, qualifying for state! They were running 4:38-ish and ran in 4:25. I also had one of those qualify for state in the 400 open. Butte boys and girls ended up winning district overall. It was a great day!

All the kids playing with the chickens

proud mama 😍

Someone wants to give the chickens back 😂


Wednesday the kids picked asparagus with Mom along the canal. I found one of the new chickens had laid her egg under the coop instead of in the nesting boxes 😂 I bought myself a watermelon (nobody else in my family really eats it) and the chickens enjoyed the rind. Saturday we had yucky weather so we decided to go to Idaho Falls. I bought all the last-minute items I'll need for baby/me for the delivery and immediate post partum. Baby is doing great: I'm grateful for every day he/she is safely in my womb getting ready to come Earth-side. Both midwives suspect an anterior placenta because the heartbeat is always quite sloshy when they go to listen for the doppler is having to go through a lot of placenta to get to the heart tones. Baby also likes to hang out on my right side the majority of the time and it's quite noticeable. I'll be so curious to see when he/she comes! It could be two weeks, it could be six weeks. Who knows?   

new dresser 😍

My favorite view!

A little bit of free-ranging time. They found SO many worms!


I took this picture hours before the crazy storm... last picture of the coop in pristine condition 😂