Monday, May 17, 2021

Coop Overboard!

Last night we had a crazy wind storm that tipped the chicken coop over! I was putting kids to bed while Justin went outside to gather items so they didn't blow away. He walked to the backyard and saw the whole thing tip. By some miracle, none of the chickens were crushed. We loaded all eight hens into the kennel and put them in the shed for the time being while we figured out what to do. Justin called Dad right away to see what they could salvage. I went back inside to finish putting the kids to bed. We said a special prayer that Daddy and Gramps would be able to fix what they could and we would figure something out for the hens. 

I didn't get a picture until they got the bulk of it put back upright

Amazingly, the coop was mostly fine! The water box and nesting boxes were totally intact. The chicken door and main door were fine. The roof was the biggest issue, but even then they were able to get it screwed back on to the top. We'll need to fix a few things but after Justin and Dad worked on it, we were able to put the hens back in their coop for bedtime! Amazing! Dad got some metal fence posts and the two of them secured those to the coop on each corner. The roof might blow off in another crazy wind storm but the coop shouldn't go anywhere!😂 Mom zipped over at one point while they were fixing things up. I told her, "We can't live here without you guys - it's too treacherous!"

The roof definitely took the biggest beating

We need to build a new chicken ramp

new metal pole braces

The front is a bit beat up but it will still work. Now it just has character

Main door swings open and shut just fine. I'll have to leave it open today until we get their new ramp built.

I did some serious nesting last week. On Monday I got the baby room all spruced up and ready. I sold a bunch of things off FB marketplace and made room for a new dresser for the boys' room. I watched Lacy's kids that day and she watched mine on Tuesday so I could go to Idaho Falls kid-free. I saw my midwife, picked up a dresser off FB marketplace, and brought three more hens home. Eight feels just right. I love them! That afternoon, Butte hosted for district track. My girls 4X400m team PRed by 13 seconds and took first place, qualifying for state! They were running 4:38-ish and ran in 4:25. I also had one of those qualify for state in the 400 open. Butte boys and girls ended up winning district overall. It was a great day!

All the kids playing with the chickens

proud mama 😍

Someone wants to give the chickens back 😂


Wednesday the kids picked asparagus with Mom along the canal. I found one of the new chickens had laid her egg under the coop instead of in the nesting boxes 😂 I bought myself a watermelon (nobody else in my family really eats it) and the chickens enjoyed the rind. Saturday we had yucky weather so we decided to go to Idaho Falls. I bought all the last-minute items I'll need for baby/me for the delivery and immediate post partum. Baby is doing great: I'm grateful for every day he/she is safely in my womb getting ready to come Earth-side. Both midwives suspect an anterior placenta because the heartbeat is always quite sloshy when they go to listen for the doppler is having to go through a lot of placenta to get to the heart tones. Baby also likes to hang out on my right side the majority of the time and it's quite noticeable. I'll be so curious to see when he/she comes! It could be two weeks, it could be six weeks. Who knows?   

new dresser 😍

My favorite view!

A little bit of free-ranging time. They found SO many worms!


I took this picture hours before the crazy storm... last picture of the coop in pristine condition 😂

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