Sunday, March 1, 2020

Skiing and Subbing

I took Emmett skiing the week following my previous post to give him just one more chance at the hill. We were able to borrow Lacy's skis again and I managed to buy a pair off facebook marketplace for $10. I will have to have the bindings adjusted to the boots I got - maybe I'll be able to go just ONE more time with his set? We'll see.

oh yeah look at that pizza!

I love these videos his teacher snagged of him

I subbed 2nd grade and 7th/8th grade and have a couple sub jobs this week. The 2nd grade class had 11 kids in it! Talk about a dream come true for a teacher. I knew many of the kids parents and one of them said, "Are you Emmett's mom?" I said yes - he said his brother Paul goes to preschool with Emmett - Emmett and Paul are buds. It was cute. When I was subbing the 7th and 8th graders, my old middle school basketball coach came up to me (she teaches math) and asked me if I wanted to coach track with her. I said sure! I told her I'd double-check with my family to make sure we were okay with the time committment. I told her I had experience coaching track at my last teaching position and that pretty much settled it in her mind, so that will be fun.

Two weeks ago I agreed to be a volunteer coach for the 5th/6th grade girls rec basketball. We have practices on Mondays and games on Thursdays for the month of March. A personality trait of mine is that I pretty much have two speeds - on and off. I don't know how to tone it down regardless of the age and yes, I found myself just as loud and obnoxious as I always am when I'm coaching. Oh well -the girls loved it. During one of our timeouts, one of the girls Tessa said, "You're fun." Ha - yes, I like to make it FUN! We ended up winning 18-14 coming back from a 7-14 deficit. They'll switch up the teams every week so everyone will get a chance for me to scream at them.

I snagged these pics off facebook that one of the moms posted.

Justin decided to show me up on his double-unders in the house and broke through they very thin subfloor. Dad came by a few days later and helped him rip up the carpet and repair the damage. I was happy to not have to use our renter's insurance to get it fixed. Dad had extra plywood in one of his shops so we didn't even have to buy anything for it. We'll have a carpet guy come eventually to get the carpet back nice and tight but for now, thank you Dad you're a life saver!

Grandma Judy sent the kids presents just because - that's what grandmas are for, right? The kids loved opening up their new treasures.

Well - after seven years - I finally managed to get Justin on a ski hill with me. Years ago for a birthday present Justin gave me a bunch of homemade coupons - you know, the "Fullfil for a back rub" kind of coupon. He made one of the coupons a ski trip with me and I've held onto it ever since. I was finally able to convince him because I decided that since Emmett's learning to ski, I wanted to learn too. So we signed ourselves up for a group lesson with my friend Claire and after two runs down the bunny hill we were training on the beginner's hill. After two runs with the teacher Justin was done - I went up the lift by myself for a final run and we called it a day.

Justin got a new calling - he is basically doing "scouts" - activity day leader for the boys. He still doesn't have a partner so I went up with him last week and it looks like I'll be there again this week. He had them make no-bake cookies but first had them find all the ingredients that were hidden around the church building.

Logan helped me vacuum some spilled ingredients

I finished teaching my primary kids "I Feel My Savior's Love" - today we reviewed "line upon line" to go along with the Come, Follow Me lesson for the week. Using legos, I called kids up one at a time to put the different phrases together. I put the finished products on top of the podium and we sang all the verses with scarf motions I had taught them last week. They were kinda into it, kinda not - ha! Oh well - I'm learning constantly with this new job

I also started to teach them "Peace in Christ" this week. I had the kids do a slap-slap-snap-snap beat so they could feel the timing of the song first before we went over notes and words. I just spoke the words for them to hear the timing and oh man - I had tears right away and had to fight through the rest of the song to get it all out. I love this song and I'm so excited for them to learn it and sing it for our Easter Sunday. When I was in the Young Women program two years ago we learned this song, and then my friend Donna who was serving in the YW with me suddenly passed away a year ago. They asked me to play it for her funeral and - well - the song will always have a special place in my heart. 

We snagged this beauty off facebook marketplace when we did our ski trip. TOTAL score

He didn't want to stop bossing me around the housešŸ¤£

40 degrees the other day - spring come quickly!

we went for a walk to Granny and Gramps house last Sunday

the thrills of new underwear

kids learning the steps to get to Jesus with this week's Come, Follow Me lesson

playing chase

Emmett fell asleep on me twice in one week - all the extra quiet time was awesome for me!

Logan got up before Emmett both times and it gave the two of us some quality time we normally don't get šŸ§”

handsome boys before church

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