Friday, March 13, 2020

Happy Birthday Logan!

Wednesday was Logan's 2nd birthday! Emmett helped me make his birthday cake the day before. Mom and Dad came over Wednesday night to open his gifts and have some cake. Granny and Gramps gave him cash. Grandma and Grandpa Rose got him a cute church outfit (which he won't be wearing anytime soon!...) and a Book of Mormon quiet book (also mostly for church but, both kids love it so it's getting good use). Uncle Joe got him a flatbed truck that carries an excavator which the boys totally love, and we got him a dump truck from Diers.

I had my favorite class to sub sing for Logan's birthday

Logan watched it over and over! So cute

I've been subbing quite a bit lately. One of the teachers had a tragedy in her family so she was out for two weeks. I ended up writing the sub plans for those two weeks for her so she didn't have to worry about school stuff while she had to deal with her situation.

Along with subbing I'm still volunteer coaching the 6th grade basketball girls (practice on Mondays and games on Thursdays), and high school track started on Monday. I'm the official jumping coach. I've been pouring over youtube videos preparing workouts for high jump, long jump, and triple jump. I was a district champ at triple jump, but doing it and teaching it are two very different things! Plus we didn't even have a pit to practice on when I was in school - the only practice we got was at the meets! 🤣 I've been taking videos of the athletes and showing them how/where they can improve. Today I am meeting them in the weight room to do some lifting. Yesterday I brought Emmett to practice with me and he was in heaven digging in the sand pit (with Logan's new dump truck - ha). With sports and schools shutting down left and right, I really wonder if the track season will end up getting cancelled as COVID-19 moves into should be interesting!

I'm going to have the wood shop class make these for us

I bring my giant white board for the kids to know what to do each day

Can you believe Arco has a track? Spoiled rotten kids!

With all that said, I'm looking forward to basketball ending (two more weeks) and I won't be taking hardly any sub jobs now that track has started. The last two weeks were extra busy with track/basketball/subbing all at once BUT we made it through.

Today we got up and drove to Costco first thing. It was a little crazy, but we managed to get a cart full of goods and checkout all within 30 minutes or so. We hit the Blackfoot Walmart on the way home which was mostly ransacked as far as non-perishables go. It was lovely to come back to Arco where life feels non-apocolyptic.

We are finally melting over here! Chelsie texted me and said they were going to the park so we gathered all our offspring to enjoy the sunny warm 40 degree weather

Logan's position while watching Little Baby Bum - ha he's so cute!

Reading to Emmett before bed and he clocked out!

sooo warm the other day sitting on the porch...who knew 40 degrees could feel so good?

lesson planning

Going for a walk to Granny and Gramps

Emmett was asked to give the scripture and prayer last Sunday in primary. He did GREAT but the microphone wasn't working so nobody could hear him but, oh well.

Justin catching me in my element

We went to the Museum of Idaho again for something to do with the kids.

I've been having the kids play outside as much as possible - lots of snow still but it's melting quickly.

I've been doing more preschool activities with Emmett. Who knew butcher paper and stickers could keep a mom sane during long winter days?

He tried to get as many toothpicks stuck into the apple as he could - he did pretty great, I'd say!

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