Sunday, January 28, 2024

January Fun

 We jumped back into our homeschool routine and added in piano lessons, geography, an art class, and we'll start a spelling curriculum now that Emmett has finished Level 1 of "All About Reading." Here he is marking his last lesson in his book. He's made tons of progress! What a privilege to be his teacher.

Emmett needed a change from reading at the table. I suggested the couch would be more cozy... here is how he read the rest of his book.

We finally got some snow! We had to go play at the park with the fresh blanket to play in.

Logan I want you to come to the pillow pile can you come [to the] pillow pile yes or no

I have something I shouldn't have...

Emmett SO excited for his live art class.

We opt for sticky notes rather than sitting and reading a whole list of words on the sheet of paper. 

Justin bought me this ring for Christmas. It just barely came. I absolutely love it!

We spent a Saturday going to the aquarium.

All the other kids would do this exact thing in our old coffee table.

Finishing up his space unit study with the Milky Way

Check out that posture 

I convinced the kids to go on a walk with me after they shot and killed the mountain lion at our old rental - yikes! 

Colby woke up Sunday morning with a fever - he let me snuggle him all day. I soaked it up - usually he prefers Dad.

Sweet baby

His creativity has no bounds

Someone is finally not afraid of his Christmas gift

Even though Logan goes to 1/2 day Kindergarten I have continued homeschooling him alternating math/reading days. He does Language Arts with Emmett and sometimes joins us for science.

I've recently taken up reading poetry to the kids twice a week. We get a fancy snack and drink while I read - we call it our Tea Time.

He spilled his water all over his face - I wish we had captured the moment on video!

Sorting nouns and creating a bar graph with their data

Beckham gets to be outside with the big kids this year on snow days.

I went with the church youth ski trip to Cherry Peak. We had perfect weather. I mostly snowboarded but took an hour out of the day to practice my ski skills. I'll stick with shredding on my board for now.

Logan's latest lego creation.

From Justin's phone
Snuggles with Beckham

Not long after getting home from the ski trip...

Justin took the kids to the museum and ran errands while I was away.

I love when Justin captures me teaching the kiddos

some Come Follow Me

piano lessons

dancing to Crazy Frog
He's so close to walking! He took 3 steps on this day (1/27/24). This week maybe??

views from the top of Cherry Peak - yes I was skiing here!

I asked Lacy to get a video of me on one of my last runs 

This was our last day of our space unit. We made and matched constellations

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