Sunday, August 28, 2022

Home Build Underway

My goodness - a three year goal has now become a reality as Loosli Construction has dug our foundation and will fill it with concrete tomorrow! Today Justin and I sat down to look at our floor plan to make some actually decisions about what we want the inside of our house to look like. It is daunting to make all these big decisions. 

Thursday morning the 25th Clint had us come early and they had the whole exterior mapped out on the spot we picked. They dug the hole that day and Friday they put in the boards for pouring concrete. It was so surreal walking up to that big hole after school on Thursday with the family and seeing all the mounds of dirt around us. Our dream is becoming a reality!

In other news, we had our first full week of school. Logan was sick on Sunday and sure enough, it made its way through all of us. I came down with it Tuesday but thanks to my Thieves I was able to keep working and not feel too miserable. Wednesday was my hardest day from feeling low energy plus the effects of staving off a sore throat and congestion, but Thursday I felt much better! Then I lost my voice Friday and it got my out of singing time today so that wasn't all bad - haha! I do love leading the singing time but it is a hard job that you never get a break from, so it was nice to just be sick and let someone else handle it.

Other than being sick I am loving my classes! No advisory period means I get to drop off Emmett at Kindergarten at 12:45 and I don't have students until 1:10! I teach until 4:12 - it's dreamy. I have a great group of kids and a year of lesson plans under my belt so I'm very optimistic about this year. 

Saturday we got a babysitter and went to the temple, and then went to Classic Interiors to check out what's available. So many choices! We think we'll schedule a consult with their design person to help when we get to that step. Like I said, today we at least agreed on flooring - as in, carpet here, laminate here. Now to decide on actual colors. I dread when we'll have to pick out the paint!

Beckham and Logan are doing great - they were both sick this week but should be back to their regular routine. We're working with Beckham on his words. Logan keeps asking me when he gets to start preschool - he can't wait to have time with friends like his big brother.

That red stake marks the front of the house

24 weeks

gorgeous double rainbow on Tuesday

we got four new kittens

tomatoes from Mom's garden, zucchini from mine, eggs from the coop 😍

drawing pumpkins

Wednesday night - making sure we are good with our spot one last time!

Thursday morning: last-minute chat with Clint to make sure we're a go

Biking up to see the hole

Friday we went up after they were done to see the progress

Friday night football game

Saturday afternoon snuggles with this guy

Home sick on Sunday calls for reading with Dad

My floor color-coding...might do the laundry its own tile color rather than the laminate.

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