Sunday, July 3, 2022

Bear Lake Beal Reunion

Last week the Beals all gathered for a camping trip. We stayed at Crystal Springs campground in McCammon. I really liked how close all the spots were so we could all be relatively close to each other. Monday for dinner we made Dutch oven pizza and enjoyed Hart's potatoes and Alex's bean for sides. Yumm I look forward to those every year. That night we attempted a fire but it was pretty windy. Justin and I turned in well before the campfire conversation had ended.

Emmett lost another tooth the first night camping. Apparently Logan got him in the face and it went flying somewhere.

Tuesday after breakfast we headed to Bear Lake. I had never been before and it did not disappoint. I loved how you drove right up to your spot so you didn't have people encroaching on your beach or water space. We enjoyed Molkky and Spike Ball on the beach while the kids loved playing in the sand with their cousins. I loved how shallow the water was which allowed our kids to go out pretty far and splash around without much of a drowning threat. Beckham was a little trooper on the beach. He took a little nap with Granny and was overall his regular chill self. He's been an amazing baby. The weather was absolutely perfect, the sand was soft and wonderful, and Justin and I even got to throw the disc a little. It was a perfect day.

Justin took the boys to a little swimming hole at the campground to fish.

We got ice cream and garlic fries for on the way home. It took them at least 30 minutes to fulfill our order which was a huge pain when I wanted to be driving home! Gabe made everyone hamburgers that night which we had back at the campground.

Wednesday we swam all day at Lava Hot Springs. This was my first for me as well and it did not disappoint! It was an amazing pool! My kids enjoyed every second, minus the breaks we took where I made them sit and wait 10-15 minutes for their sunscreen to settle on before getting back in the pool. They constantly wanted to know where Hudson and Sloane were the entire trip including in the pool. They have such a great time with their cousins.

Poor Emmett was reacting to something along with a few others at the campground. He had swollen runny eyes and a runny nose that would not relent. He was glad to be leaving the campsite! 

After dinner everyone split to do their own thing, whether it was a drive or walk somewhere or to sit in the hot pools. Justin and I weren't interested and decided to use everyone leaving as a diversion to convince the kids that it was time to leave. We drove home that night and got home at 11:00. It was nice to wake up Thursday morning after a good night's rest to put all the camping stuff away.

This was our first trip with our little camper and it went really well. Justin managed to fit a pack-n-play in the hall of the camper which made sleep much better for Beckham. I didn't sleep well in the trailer but ordered a foam topper for future camping trips. Thursday I emptied it all, including the dump station. I am trying to get very well acquainted with it so I can take it solo with the boys in August for their swim lessons.

I am officially High Low certified! After four painful video submissions of nit-picking every single angle, kick, arm raise, etc. I got it done. My classes haven't been very successful (my last two classes have had one person show up) but I'll keep doing it. I enjoy this kind of exercise myself, I like that it's keeping me active in a fun way this pregnancy, and I think it will catch on eventually...maybe not. A healthy dose of failure does good things for your spirit, so I'll just let this season be what it is. If it eventually turns into something, great. If not, oh well.

I finished two of my four courses I'm taking this summer toward my teaching certificate. If I can finish the other two and pass all four, I will have all my credits finished to renew my Idaho certificate. That plus teaching this coming school year will get it renewed. I got my contract in the mail last week for the coming year. I definitely feel like we got a late start to our summer with how horrible the weather has been. 

Monday morning before leaving for our camping trip we got the bid for our house. It came in less than we thought so we have decided to move forward and see what we can manage with the financing. If we can make it work, we are going to move forward. I really hope it works out. This has been a dream for a long time. We've worked really hard and sacrificed a lot to make it a reality. Praying the Lord has His hand in the process to help us along the way.

Other pictures from before the camping trip.

Costco dress for the win!

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