Sunday, October 24, 2021

Four Months and a Washington Visit

It's been a minute - we've had our slow regular life and recently a few big things happen.

First: a September photo dump. We wrapped up the garden corn and beets. We ate most of our corn fresh/shared with Mom and Dad. We didn't freeze very much at all since we still have tons in our freezer from last year. We cut the beets down and threw them in a 5-gallon bucket covered in sand to eat fresh over the winter whenever we please. We'll see how that turns out. We enjoyed going to Butte's homecoming football game. The boys liked watching the homecoming royalty come out in their pretty dresses. What can I say, I loved it too! Such fun times.

The kids have been my helpers when I need to practice a lab ahead of time for my classes. The best one by far was this rock cycle lab using starbursts. I wish you all could hear Logan saying "heat and pressure!" as he molded his starburst pieces together with his hands.

Making sediment...

adding pressure to make sedimentary rock

"heat and pressure, heat and pressure, heat and pressure..."
metamorphic rock

The melting stage with boiling water

Our igneous rock

Flatten it one more time for good measure πŸ‘Š

Justin sent me these pictures side by side when I was at work and I died laughing

Painting apples activity

Early October I had my first teacher evaluation from my principal. I felt that it went really well. I haven't had any official feedback from it, but he off-handedly said he was going to encourage some other teachers to come observe my classroom in the future and would I be okay with that. I'm flattered while I'm sure my colleagues are less than thrilled πŸ˜‚ I got an email from the superintendent last week that was very complimentary, saying I "epitomize the highest ideals of a professional educator." Wow - brb crying😭 I am loving this part-time gig and I have to say, it will be hard to go full-time after this πŸ˜‚ 

The last harvest for the lettuce/chard of the season

We had our first snowfall October 11th!

I was getting ready for my Earth Science class before bedtime and I came out to see Emmett was being my little helper πŸ’—

Mid-October Justin took the two big kids to WA to visit family. Beckham and I stayed home. I thoroughly enjoyed being home with just me and my baby. I detail cleaned my entire house and reveled in it for the remaining days afterward. When everyone got home it was a serious adjustment for me: three kids is like, hard work!

Justin and the boys had a total blast with the Rose family. They spent tons of quality time with their cousins and grandparents. The adults had a night out at an escape room and dinner, and the whole group enjoyed a pumpkin patch day complete with the kids' first pony ride. They went to the zoo and I'm sure many other activities that I'm missing. Shortly after returning home Emmett commented, "I miss my Grandma," and "I love Clar[a] and Eleanore." (Sorry Jon and Laura; Emmett still calls Clara "Claire" lol). Our annual fall trip certainly has become a highlight for the kids.

Beckham is a total dream - he is a happy, content four month old. At 3 1/2 months he started rolling. At four month old he has discovered his thumb! Last night he slept from 7PM-7AM. I woke up several times convinced I could hear him crying, only to walk over to his room and he was sound asleep. Good baby! His latest thing has been rocking: he loves to make himself rock in his bouncy seat. If you hold him on your lap, he'll start throwing his body weight backward to try to rock. It's so cute and funny. He has the cutest baby coos. When he wakes up from his naps he hardly ever cries; he just starts cooing to himself. He's also the chubbiest baby of my three at this age; he has delightful fat rolls on his thighs that I've always wished for on my babies and now I finally have a baby with some extra chubs.

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