Sunday, September 5, 2021

9 year anniversary

 Justin and I celebrated 9 years of marriage this week - wow. So crazy. Arranging to leave to go on some sort of date was an undertaking: we found a sitter for the big kids and left Beckham with Mom to go to Idaho Falls. Justin booked an escape room which we conquered with 6 minutes left! Then we got a pick me up at Great Harvest Bread before we did sealings at the temple. This was our first time back to the temple in two years! Crazy! I had to rent a dress because mine doesn't fit ๐Ÿ˜‚ and I needed some help getting dressed, what with remembering what goes where. Our sealer was fun; he would say, "The wording says this and this...why don't you think about that on this next one." And then afterwards he'd say, "Did you think about it...?" When nobody gave any profound response he said, "Well, go ahead and think about it some more," and did the next one. Ha.

After the temple we went to our dinner reservation at D'Railed. The food was amazing; I could go for a lamb lollipop right about now. 

We didn't have time to do our monthly Costco shopping so we headed to Walmart. At dinner I had a stroke of genius for what to do next week for my classes, so I bought some supplies for that, much to Justin's chagrin. I still haven't signed a contract, which means I'm not on the payroll so he's like...what the heck lady. Ha! 

We couldn't get a pic it the front of the temple because cute kids were getting married and had dibs ๐Ÿ˜‚

ahi tuna appetizer

lamb lollipop appetizer 

Justin's filet mignon

my New York strip - we pretty much shared our steaks evenly because they were both so good. Probably the best steak I've had in my life

We saw this outfit on display in downtown I.F. and I HAD to have it for Beckham... it's 6 month size and he fills it out just fine. ๐Ÿ˜

Saturday I bottled a box and a half of peaches. They were tiny and not AS delicious as last year, but we enjoyed them after church today all the same.

Logan was TIRED Wednesday after school...Mom was gracious and took them for the afternoon on Thursday so they got a break.

Making coloring pages for the kids.

Emmett insisting this costume from when he was 3 still fits

Logan helped me make cornbread that went with our taco soup - I'm SO ready for soup season!

Logan's favorite chore: mowing the lawn with Dad!

We did a drive to the dam to throw rocks ... you wouldn't believe how low the water is

lol family selfie

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