Sunday, April 25, 2021

Coop and Yard Work

Man we have had a yucky spring. We worked more on the coop this week but with the wind and snow it has made progress difficult! Looks like summer starts next week though (temperatures supposed to get in the high 70's), so that's something!

Tuesday we had some nice weather in the afternoon giving Justin a chance to get the coop door installed. I liked the natural wood look on the door and the nesting boxes, but ultimately decided to paint it because up close the wood is really beat up. 
I also busted out the porch paint to fix some spots that [stupid] Teddy chewed up over the winter. I cleaned out the shed as well and we took a LOT of junk to the dump.
Wednesday was finally sunny but still COLD. We managed to make it to the park with friends. That night I gave my kids summer buzz haircuts. 

Thursday was finally a nice day! Justin took advantage of the good weather and sprayed Round Up all over. That made being outside difficult for us, so we spent a lot of time at the Park. That afternoon we decided to zip over to Idaho Falls to get some yard supplies. We hit Home Depot and Costco hard, filling up the back of the minivan with supplies. We better enjoy the space while we can because once that third row goes up, we will be limited!

Friday I set out some plants/flowers I bought for the backyard. I haven't planted yet because I'm waiting to have bark to put down with it immediately after planting, so probably next week we'll get that done. That day was also our track meet in Shelley. I did some coop painting in the morning and then went to CAL Ranch on the way to the meet to get some chicken supplies. We are SO close to being done with the coop. As soon as it's done I want to be able to get my flock. I think I bought enough pine shavings for a year 😂 
The girls did well at the meet. The anchor on our 4X400 ran the 400 open in 1:01! She came milliseconds away from breaking Butte's school record. The boys have been frustrating to work with and I think we're going to dissolve their 4X400 relay.

We had LOVELY weather for our meet

Saturday came with clouds and wind so we got out early to do yard and coop work before the 20 mph winds picked up. I finished painting the main body of the coop and Justin did all the bark in the front flower bed. We purchased alllll the bark Diers had, so we'll have to wait for them to restock before we continue to the backyard flower beds.😂 Now if we could just have nice grass...
We finished everything we could (minus painting) and headed to Mom and Dad's so Justin could help them with their new laptops.

I need to finish painting the chicken ladder, the chicken side door (it's laying there on the bottom-left cinder block), and the roof. Then Justin can install the mesh wire in the ventilation and we should be done.
I got hanging plants as my Mother's Day gift. 

Hello 33 weeks.

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