Sunday, April 11, 2021

Burley and the Chicken Coop

Last week our kids got MORE cousin time! We met up with Rachel in Burley on Wednesday. After dinner at their house, we went to Hudson's soccer practice and played at the park. On the way home, we grabbed ice cream to share and I got myself a milkshake from a local drive in Rachel suggested. Yum! Chase got home later that night and we chatted away until almost midnight.

Excited to see Hudson and Sloane!

Passed out 30 minutes laterπŸ˜‚

Uncle Keaton would be proud of their hill rolling.

Thursday we had a slow morning until it was time for Burley Baby Animal days! We took the kids amid 60 mph winds to different stations featuring all kinds of baby animals, including a station of reptiles that Emmett was going absolutely bonkers over. We had to make sure he didn't take the liberty to open the snake bins himself before the handlers came to do it properly! Both boys especially liked that station and the fish station. It confused Emmett that they were two separate stations because "Mom - fish are reptiles," and why weren't they with the other reptiles? πŸ˜‚

This makes me wish we were getting baby chicks!!! So cute! Definitely gives me a good idea for a future brooder.

We took off for home after that to pick up our lumber/hardware order from home depot for our chicken coop! Lots of talk and now it's finally here! I found three chickens for sale that I hope to adopt next weekend, pending the coop building goes well this week. As much as I would LOVE to raise future flocks starting with chicks, that is not something I want to take on during this season of life. Maybe (probably) next year. (Didja read that Justin? πŸ˜…)

Friday we had our track meet at Challis. Only five teams present made for moving through events quickly, and I was thankfully on my way home by 7:00. My 4X400 girls team is doing great! Two of them PRed with 1:08  and 1:02 splits which was so exciting! Another gal PRed in the open with a 1:07. I'll bet the 1:02 girl gets it under a minute by districts.

Hello 30 weeks - I have a feeling Ima get HUGE!

Sometimes I take the kids to the track for my walks so they can play around the bleachers, grass, etc. The pirate ship is always fun to play on.

Saturday promised wind gusts of over 20 mph, so Justin got an early start on our chicken coop while I went for a 45 minute walk. I have been in quite a bit of pain this pregnancy pelvis-wise. It's made staying active tough! But so has the horrible winter cold, so now that the weather is nice enough to be outside, I am determined to walk 2-3 miles a day. I told my chiropractor about it and he worked a miracle on me. I am SO grateful a Webster certified (AKA - trained to work on pregnant ladies) chiropractor comes to Arco! I can do a lunge now without any pain, and I walked 2-3 miles almost every day last week. It's marathon prep time! The things I try to do every single day from now until the birth are 1.) walk 2-3 miles (30 minutes minimum) 2.) eat 7 dates (softens the cervix) 3.) do 100-300 squats 4.) drink my NORA tea (nettles, oatstraw, red raspberry leaf, and alfala for the calcium and to tone up the uterus). I also shoot for 100 oz of water and of course, taking all my supplements and tracking my protein. Phew! Is that all? I take my birth prep seriously!

Justin worked on the coop all day and I helped where I could measuring out where to cut. I'm hoping he gets it finished in the next couple of days. I'll be buying the final things we'll need on Tuesday while I'm in I.F. for my midwife appointment. He's making my dreams come true!

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