Sunday, February 7, 2021

Burley Fun

Last Sunday Logan took a nap and when I tried to wake him, he kept falling back asleep. It was cute and sweet.
Ahhh stay little, my little Logan boy <3 

Justin made sugar cookies for the kids to frost just for the fun of it

I'm learning TONS from my pregnancy nutrition book. I'm the kind of person that's always on the up and up: I'm always learning new things and I don't ever think I have it all figured out. Books and podcasts this round of pregnancy have been great resources for me. I had an anatomy scan last week to make sure everything looks good. It's important that baby and I remain low risk when choosing a midwife. I told the ultrasound tech not to tell me the sex so that will be a surprise for us in June. I'm convinced it's another boy so we'll see what we get!

Emmett and Logan love saying hi to baby. He will come over to my belly and say, "Hi baby I'm your brother Emmett and I love dinosaurs!" It's so cute.

Making play dough

We've adopted a new cat. This black and white kitty showed up last week and has stuck around. The other cats and Teddy HATED it for a couple of days but now they seem to have warmed up to each other. We think we'll go with Oreo for the name.

Wednesday I took the kids to the park while we waited for the library to open.

I made a red Thai curry soup that turned out pretty good! It's not good leftover, however...the rice noodles soaked up allll the broth by the next day ha!
Two eggs, cheese, kale, and fresh tomatoes...pretty sure I could eat this breakfast every day the rest of my pregnancy (and I think I will).
Morning supplement lineup from left to right: probiotic, vitamin D and K2, B12, zeolite, zinc, gut support, and prenatal vitamins 😂
I'm also trying NORA tea this pregnancy. It's like the seven-dates-a-day thing where some women swear by it but the studies are limited and evidence is mostly anecdotal. Still it can't hurt to try it. Dates supposedly soften the cervix (I eat seven a day in the final weeks of pregnancy) and NORA (nettles, oatstraw, red raspberry leaf, and alfalfa) is supposed to tone the uterus for more efficient contractions which could mean a shorter labor. Women have also reported less postpartum bleeding and I've even read it can reduce risk of hemorrhage.

We made our Burley trip happen! Roads were clear and kids were healthy so we headed down on Thursday. After Rachel fed me and my kids a yummy lunch, we headed to Pomerelle so the big kids could enjoy a ski lesson. Emmett had a hard time with his instructor which made for a lousy day for him. But other than the wind, we couldn't have asked for better weather, and the road conditions getting up there were as good as they could be. The kids had a blast with their cousins. They especially loved jumping in the play house and dressing up in Hudson's superhero costumes. I stayed up late chatting with Chase and Rachel, and then got to go to barre class with Rachel Friday morning. That's definitely something I miss about living in a city: the community of fellow fitness goers. The kids were sad to say goodbye to their cousins and have asked me every day since if we can go to Hudson's house and play in the bouncy house😂
Bundled up and ready for the ski hill

snow angels while waiting for his ski instructor to arrive

off they go!
Logan and I hanging out while watching Emmett come down the bunny hill.

pretty much the only shot I got of him before my phone died
venom, batman, and the black panther
Friday morning cereal time
McDonald's on the drive home
The kids were SO HAPPY to get home to their daddy!

Saturday Blizzard mountain was open! So we took the kids sledding to break up our day. The weather was great minus the wind (I use that caveat often, don't I?). The kids built igloos and snow angels in between sledding sessions. I was happy to let them play in the snow as long as they wanted.

hot chocolate after sledding is a must
When it's Saturday night and you have one hour until bedtime and the kids are going berserk...oobleck for the win!

Today after church we took the kids for a mile walk/balance bike ride. I asked Justin to take the kids so I could continue for another mile myself. The weather was so nice today and no wind! Logan refused to wear gloves or a coat but seemed unfazed. 

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