Sunday, February 28, 2021

Trip to Rexburg

Last Monday was the warmest day of the year and we had a fabulous day soaking up the sun. Mind you, that was 35 degrees but when you live in Arco, anything above 30 starts to feel like spring. The church building can be used throughout the week now, so the moms in my ward gathered that morning for all the kids to run around in the gym. I think that's the most fun my kids have had with their friends in a year! We stayed for two hours. That afternoon we went outside for an hour and the boys enjoyed playing in the mud. I also took them to the green belt to walk for a mile while they rode their bikes. No wind, gorgeous sunshine, WARM sunshine.... that day lifted my spirits so much! I ordered a book on raising chickens for beginners and it came that day - I devoured half of it by the day's end.

someone got stuck in the mud and needed help getting out

his play dough bones are pretty impressive!

It was a good thing we soaked up the warm weather while we could, because the rest of the week was COLD and windy. That wind makes everything so much worse. Thankfully I had my chicken book to delve into (which I finished that day) and started making elaborate chicken coop plans. I made play dough for the kids to keep them sane. We borrowed Mom's key to walk at the church that evening. Emmett had tummy pain and couldn't fall asleep until midnight. Poor buddy.

Wednesday we took it easy since Emmett still wasn't feeling great. His tummy ache came with no fever, no throw up, no diarrhea, so it was a bit of a mystery. The boys basketball team had a district playoff game against Grace so we decided to go. Butte beat them the week prior, so if they won that night then they would win the district title and go to state. Unfortunately they got absolutely trounced which makes me think their win last week was a bit of a fluke. The game was at Snake River high school so we took a fun trip to Costco first and then went to the game.

Thursday morning I walked with Mom for an hour at the church. It was the championship game that night so Justin and I decided to go. This time we left the kids home with a babysitter. Butte lost terribly again which was too bad. Justin likens my hate for Grace unto Leslie Knope and her disdain for Eagleton, which is quite accurate. They are the worst. But there was a silver lining: Jeanie Waddoups has a son that's a senior. He is the nicest kid ever. He has largely sat the bench his whole senior year. When we were down by 30 in the 4th quarter, the coach finally let him play, and he made the very last basket of the game. I was so happy for him!!

So many naps this week - me included!
Logan likes to do check-ups on baby

Friday morning I walked again with Mom. Emmett sold some of his toys and got some extra $$ for his money jar. He was still not feeling 100% so we had another low-key day. I ordered a Snuggle Me for baby and it came in the mail that afternoon. I'm so excited to use it! I did some Facebook marketplace shopping in the Rexburg area for some used baby items and arranged to pick them up the next day. Saturday we drove over in the morning, picked up our baby items, and went to lunch. We actually sat down in the restaurant to eat - it was amazing! The kids enjoyed their Wendy's while we enjoyed our Costa Vida. The kids kept saying how excited they were to be in "Iceburg" today - ha they're basically right. We took the kids to Fat Cats to bowl, but there was a wait time so we did the arcade instead. We hit Dairy Queen for dessert and picked up our Walmart grocery order on the way home. It was a great day.

Big packages make for great cardboard play

Emmett has been drawing dinosaurs - here is his brachiosaurus
we were trying to bait Logan into saying, "Uhhh!! Fine! Whatever!" because it is the funniest thing ever. Hopefully we'll get it on film one day.

Today in church it was announced that we will do 2nd hour church next week! Yay! So I will be spending my Sunday getting ready for in-person singing time. I've been doing videos since November and I am thrilled to be in person again. I have a midwife appointment this week, and I might be coaching mid-distance for track this spring. We'll see!

February reading list:

6.) Real Food for Pregnancy

7.) Beartown

8.) The Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens

9.) The Rent Collector

Sunday, February 21, 2021

A low-key sickly week

Valentine cards from the grandparents

Sunday night our neighbors brought the kids a valentine hot chocolate bomb

naps with Logan

Oobleck fun while Logan naps

Tuesday night Emmett made Andes mint chocolate cookies. I tried to let him do as much of it as possible. The plan was to take these to a cookie exchange on Wednesday morning with some friends.

However, Wednesday morning came with a giant barf from Logan accompanied by some diarrhea, so no cookie friend exchange for us. Logan actually was having diarrhea since Monday, but Wednesday seemed to be the day his stomach bug took over. Emmett didn't have any tummy troubles but had a low-energy day so we took it easy. I have a great electrolyte drink (liquid I.V.) I got from Costco just a week earlier (only because my midwife suggested I drink some once and a while because of how much water I drink.) Logan sipped on it between his barfs/poops and he never got dehydrated, so that was wonderful. We took it easy Thursday as well, and woke up Friday to two happy, high energy kids! I am so grateful Justin and I dodged their stomach bugs.

Perfect sick day outfit: pj's and rain boots

When Logan napped on Wednesday I did some simple addition with Emmett

simple addition turned into animal safari which is just fine😍

I guess this seemed like a cozy place for him to lay down😂

"p" for porcupine - Emmett brought home a porcupine craft from preschool hence the toothpicks.


Friday and Saturday we had okay weather! Okay enough to bundle up and play outside in the dirt and mud. Their rain boots came just in time.

Still not quite 100% - Logan passed out while I was downloading pictures for my next project.

"Mom, I want to do an activity."

"Me too!!"

We watched the Friend to Friend broadcast and let the kids do some rock art.

Granny and Gramps invited us for Sunday dinner - yum! After roast and mashed potatoes, Granny showed the kids her flower seeds that are starting to sprout.