Saturday, August 29, 2020

Table Mountain

My friends Lacy and Chelsie have been talking about doing a ladies' hike at some point this summer, so we finally set a day and ventured over to the Tetons to hike Table Mountain. Justin took the day off to be with the kids all day so I could go - he's a keeper. We started hiking at 9:30 and got to the top at 12:30. There are two trails to get there - one way isn't SO steep in the beginning but it's 7 miles so we opted to do the shorter, steeper 5 mile route up and came down the not-so-steep route for a total of 12 miles. We gained 3,000 ft elevation in those 5 miles to finish at 11,000 ft - phew! I was still getting over a cold from the previous week and was surprised how much snot I had - hahaha! So I had a hard time breathing, especially with the altitude gain. 
We met lots of people on the trail. One lady was hiking - alone - in her 50's from Houston - stupid! We met her around mile 2.5 and she said she had to stop every 20 setps to take a break. I don't know if she made it to the top but I was amazed to see her still going for it on our way down. I wonder how she was handling the altitude coming from sea level. At the top we met an older lady who said she hikes this every year for her birthday and she was turning 60! Wow I hope I'm hiking like her when I'm 60! You could just tell she was LDS and I figured she was probably a temple worker and I was right. So of course she knew Mom and Dad - in fact she is in the ward Mom and Dad were in when they lived in I.F. We laughed about Mom's recent FB post where she was helping Dad with a grocery bag over her newly washed hair. 
I ran out of water shortly after beginning our descent and thought I was going to puke when we made it back to Lacy's car. Chelsie said she always feels nauseous after skiing at Targhee so whethere it was from the alitutde or dehydration either way, it took everything in me to HOLD IT until we got to a gas station and I could buy some water and a gatorade, afterwhich I felt much much better.
Lacy and Chelsie have been awesome friends - they are always game to do stuff and they are low-key people. We spent the entire day together - between leaving at 7:00 am and getting home at 7:00 pm - and somehow we didn't run out of things to chat about.

Waiting to leave - lots of smoke from the wildfires

The top of Table Mountain is sedimentary!!! Mind blown - I'm so impressed it's survived all the mass wasting around it.

hiking between two glacial valleys - no big deal - NOT - I was loving every minute!

I went to buy a cruiser bike in Mackay and it wasn't quite what I wanted, so we decided to go to the park in Mackay but school was in session, so I took the boys to the dam for a while to play.

I decided to throw away some more junk in the shed to make room for the items we had in a storage unit and get rid of that monthly expense. As I was putting things away, I had this satisfying feeling of, "Wow! This is what having a garage feels like!" Everything is tucked away nicely and Justin has worked a miracle on the covered stalls near the canal where we can keep some other yard items for the winter. We can throw a dog bed in here for Teddy to live and not freeze to death this winter.

I gave the boys hair cuts on Thursday. I took  A LOT of har off - they are looking so sharp!

Pepper likes to hang out in one of my rock collection boxes

These are what's left of my onion crop. I cook with onion nearly every day and I've enjoyed marching out to the garden to pick out an onion to cook up with dinner. These I will let dry out and store...somewhere (haven't gotten that far yet #notaplanner)

I love dressing these two up for church! Good thing we went because they shut down church for the next several weeks while corona continues to spread in our county. I told Mom and Dad we just need to let the virus work through the Cummins family and then we'll reach herd immunity levels.

This pic makes me want to continue to grow my hair out - I can't decide what to do! I get a bonus two weeks to decide because Donna called and said she has to shut down for two weeks right before my appointment.

We brought the train set to our house after leaving it in the fort at Mom and Dad's for a year

Emmett's dinosaur is completely encapsulated by play dough

Grandma Rose sent some dinosaur puzzles for Emmett <3

Sigh...I turned my back for two seconds....

We had two weeks of hazy skies from the wildfires. We had some crazy lightning storms earlier this week that cleared all the smoke out - hallelujah

Justin is such a fun dad! He helped the boys build a sword and shield. Logan's lasted about two seconds but Emmett still has his

I was convinced my kids had coronavirus. The Sunday night after Alturas Lake Emmett spiked a fever and had a persistent cough and runny nose for about a week afterwards. Logan came down with a fever Tuesday and had his for the majority of the afternoon and all evening. We took them to get checked out and their tests came back negative - I was SHOCKED and thought for sure we were getting it all over with. I came down with the beginnings of a sore throat Tuesday night and had a slight sore throat and runny nose, but I was mostly fatigued for two or three days and then had some congestion to deal with. Not too bad at all. Justin of course didn't get sick at all - I can think of two times he's been sick for the 8 years I've known him and I don't think he's even thrown up for that whole time.

Poor Logan was so miserable with a fever in this picture waiting for the nurses to check him out.

Some play preschool activities while everyone was under the weather

Emmett on Sunday night with his fever. Poor bud. Thankfully the fevers did their jobs because after Sunday night Emmett was back to normal (minus the cough) and after Tuesday night Logan was also back to normal (minus the cough).

We got family pictures done while we were in WA - enjoy!

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