Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Roses Do Arco

Justin's parents and Joe came to visit us this last week. We were originally planning on going up to WA to visit over Memorial Weekend, but when it became clear we wouldn't be able to do much, we suggested everyone come here instead. At about that time our friends the Nielsen's offered to let Justin's family stay at their AirBnB for free! SCORE! They rolled in Wednesday night and we had butter chicken with naan. That is some soul food right here.

Jon and Judy brought gifts for the kids so Thursday we opened those and played all afternoon. That night we did a picnic to the Mackay Dam. It was SUPER windy that day so we made the best of it. Friday morning we did Craters of the Moon and ate at Pickle's Place for lunch afterward. It got hot that afternoon so we brought out the slip n slide...the water was way too cold to get the kids to join in, however. We enjoyed watching the lightning storm roll past in the late afternoon. That night we started "Knives Out."

Justin did NOT appreciate Joe putting his hand on his leg....ha! I died laughing 

Logan boy has SO much personality. He is at a really fun age.

Saturday morning everyone helped weed the garden! That was seriously amazing - that thing is a beast to get done, and that let us get water on it before the freeze coming that night. We did a picnic to Pass Creek and had a chill afternoon - the guys finished watching the movie and also played a bunch of games. Sunday morning they popped over one last time to say goodbye and that was it! It was a quick visit - hopefully things in Washington will be permissable for guests in late-July. Justin's brother James is planning to visit from Georgia at that time, so we'll see if we join them or not. 

It was so fun to have family come! The kids were asking for Grandma all day. Hopefully we will see them again soon.

It's been 12 weeks since my last haircut/color....this mane is getting tamed tomrrow at 9:00 AM and I can't wait!

Tonight Emmett asked for pancakes supreme like the ones from one of his books. I'm not always a fun mom (okay, I'm hardly EVER the fun mom) but sometimes I'll allow it - ha.

color bath time

I got the kids some butterfly nets... all Emmett has been doing lately is chasing butterflies. It's exhausting!

I thought he might have a broken pinky - ouch!

Who else is LOVING at home church?!?! We're supposed to start back up with Sacrament Meeting next week. Do we REALLY trust these deacons not to pick their noses right before passing the sacrament? I'm just saying...

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