Monday, March 30, 2020

Stay at Home Part I

With Govenor Little's "Stay at Home" order (now until April 15th), our adjustments include doing workouts at home instead of driving down to The Body Shop, but other than that our life looks the same. I'm grateful for Justin's job which remains stable. He's more busy now than usual because they need automation now more than ever. I've decided that what's best for me during this pandemic is to stay off the news and social media. I've just noticed that the more I "check in," the more anxious I feel about everything. This situation is completely out of my hands and all I can do is all I can do. So it doesn't do me any good to fret over what is/is not happening. And watching the arguments over the decisions our leaders are making certainly doesn't do me any good either. I told Justin, "If it's important, I'll find out about it." So - that's my strategy for coping with the next month of social distancing and who knows what else.

It's been COLD here! I force the kids outside each day but some days are harder than others (with the wind especially) and we just have to punt. Hart and Jory swung by on their way home from Rexburg and we chatted for about two minutes. It was good to see them, and we got to meet Brynn's boyfriend which was fun. I'm happy that Braden is home safe and sound! We wish we could be there tonight for his drive-by homecoming parade.

I made dinner for Mom and Dad Friday. I wanted to do something because Dad had his surgery earlier that week. Dropping off food seemed like a good balance of doing something nice/staying away. It's weird not being able to interact with them at all. I miss walking with Mom and the kids have been asking to go to Granny's house. On Sunday I borrowed a big pot to cook a 15-pound roast in, and since the weather was semi-nice we got to chat for a bit on the back patio while the kids played in the fort. That filled my cup.  

We decided to get a pizza last week to support the local businesses. We watched the season finale of This is Us and I am still enjoying Survivor every Wednesday night. Top Chef has started up again so I have a few shows to look forward to watching. I also read six books in March bringing my 2020 count to 19 books. 

Justin and I joined our faith with everyone else this weekend for the worldwide fasting for relief from the virus. It felt really good to be intentional about our fasting efforts, and to know that when we prayed, our prayers joined with millions of others all across the world. 

Sunday night Justin and I made a posterboard and mapped out our garden plans. Laura got us a ton of seeds for Christmas and Mom bought us seeds last week as well, so when it's time...we will be ready! We decided we're going to use the stimulus money to buy a riding lawnmower and other garden/yard type things. 

On Monday I took the kids down to the track with me. They played with their dump trucks in the jumping pits while I did my workout. They found the pirate ship parked behind the shed and were in total awe. We read a pirate book every night at bedtime so they were all about it.

 Grandma and Grandpa Rose sent the boys a goodie box. They got some new shirts, chocolate, and dinosaur/Easter eggs. 

Emmett found the jar of peanut butter...and decided to smear it all over himself? I never know with this kid.

I got the kids rain boots and they have been the best thing for playing out in the dirt/mud.

Emmett has taken a nap pretty much every other day this last week. He's totally pooped around 2:00 or 3:00. I try to keep him awake but sometimes the quiet is too hard to resist.

Trisha got me the CORRECT recipe for Travis's cookies and Emmett helped me make them. I've been using a different recipe I thought was his all along....nope! These are much better.

The kids like to pretend they're walruses.

Backstory behind this picture: after I put Emmett to bed he's allowed to stay in his room and play or read books if he's not ready to sleep, but he has to stay in his room (or else). But he's figured out if he sits in this corner while I'm sitting on the couch watching T.V, I don't see him, and he can manage to watch what I'm watching. So the other night when we went to bed ourselves we found him in the corner passed out! So funny.

Home-centered, church-supported gospel learning with these two. We taught the boys all about Enos and made a list of who we can pray for this week in our family prayers. Now when we ask the boys "who wants to say it?" they'll say, "Enos!" 🤣

Sunday naps

Garden plans - every 1" on the poster equates to 3.5 ft out in the garden. The extra white space that isn't labeled will mostly be corn. The X's mark the East edge of the garden which is closest to the house and I think I'll do a row of flowers for fun. Maybe Zinnias?

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