Sunday, January 26, 2025

More January: Ice Fishing and a Surrogate Baby

Sunday the 12th after my last blog post I got a call from Mitzi that he water broke: it was go time! I packed a quick bag and headed to Boise around 5PM. I got there shortly after 8 and spent the night with her in the hospital. It was a quiet, slow night in terms of baby progress but the next morning Mitzi jumped from 3cm to 9cm. It was just a matter of getting all the people in the room before she started pushing. Mitzi had an absolute angel of a doctor who happened to deliver her other four babies and Mitzi made it look like no work at all bringing her Earth-side. I was in tears watching that baby be born. It was absolutely the most miraculous, beautiful, unbelievable thing I have ever seen to witness a baby be born into the world. Wow. I am so grateful I got to have that experience and be there for Mitzi! She rested the rest of the day and I spent the day out and about until they discharged her that evening. I was able to shop without any kids and do some car maintenance while in the big city, so it worked out perfectly. I spent the next day with her chilling at home and left early Wednesday to get back to my family in time for our co-op to tour the Arco Advertiser. 

Just a few days later Justin took the boys to McCall for ice fishing with the Beals. They had a great time with their cousins. I stayed home with the two littles. It was fun to treat them to ice cream, hot chocolate, and lots of visits to Granny's house.

The kids were supposed to draw a picture of their favorite part of the tour. Emmett drew our group picture. I love the arms around each other! What a special group of kids.

Beckham helping me fold towels.

Some homeschool sights: these are my very favorite moments of homeschool: when I find us all gathered around the table. Whether I'm reading or each kid is working on something independently, these are beautiful moments as a family.

The kids made their way into the paper the following week after our tour.

There is nothing better than 3 year old Beckham. This boy is joy in a bottle. I am absolutely loving and savoring these days.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January Fun

 Happy January! We spent New Year's Eve at Mom and Dad's since we couldn't spend any time with them over Christmas. The kids loved their Granny and Gramps Christmas gifts and played with them the whole time we were there. 

We kicked our homeschool back up to speed on all our subjects, plus we added piano back in. This week Logan had his first piano lesson and the two kids fight over who gets to have their lessons first! The piano video games included in the practice sessions are responsible for their enthusiasm. 

Today Beckham went to his first birthday party for a friend from church. He was so excited all week and couldn't wait to give Lizzie her gift.

Aside from that we are back to our swing of things. January has brought some fun playing in the snow. We are looking forward to our week stay in Mexico coming up in February! 


Playing Pass the Parcel

So excited on his way to his first birthday party

Made mini pavlovas - obsessed!

Some new recipes this year - as delicious as they are gorgeous!

Took the three big kids to a basketball game. Beckham loving the snack life in the bleachers.

Aww - so proud of what he built.

First Sunday of 2025: fast Sunday @ 9:00AM ... made for an early, LONG nap

Always spoiled with Dad's homemade ice cream

We finished our Christmas dodecahedrons!