Sunday, October 16, 2022

Seattle Trip and Autumn Fun

Back in September we went to see Justin's family. We went to the Washington State Fair and the kids enjoyed their very first carnival rides. We spent a day in Seattle and did the Pacific Science Center. We all got babysitters and enjoyed adult dinner on our last night there. We enjoy a fall visit since we don't want to travel for any winter holidays. The kids sure enjoyed their cousins.

Joe and I didn't want to do the escape room so we went mini golfing instead.

Conference weekend we went to Boise to celebrate Gabe's birthday at his annual "Soups and Sweaters" gathering. We got to Boise early so we could take the kids to the pumpkin patch. We stopped at Gabe's to take Colin with us. After that Justin and I spent the entire night keeping Beckham from drowning in his brand new pool and from falling through the springs of their trampoline. Christy's buffalo chicken soup was worth it.

Drama mama when you put him down and he wants to be held

We've seen a lot of progress on the house. It sat for a week or two and then they got all the walls up within a week. I wonder if they'll frame the roof this next week. 

Framing pieces for the roof

Last weekend we took the kids to a pumpkin patch in Idaho Falls and then did our Costco shopping.

We're still getting warm weather that I hope will hold until the power company can get the line to the house. Otherwise they'll have to wait until spring which will put us way behind. Sorry farmers, but for now we're praying the good weather holds. It can snow all it wants come December.

We did our last fire for the season - it cools off quickly once that sun goes down.

We made rice crispy treats with the marshmallow dipped in warm caramel, then dipped in cereal. They were just okay, but fun to make.

We took the kids fossil hunting this weekend. Maybe next week we'll attempt to climb lonesome pine.

We have the *best* caretaker while I'm at work. She made apple pie with Logan - look at the details on that crust!! Our family is so blessed to have her.

Logan made this wreath with our nanny and gave it to me after work one day. Like I said - she's the *best*

Soooo many strawberries in October?? I don't get it but I like it.

The big kids being big helpers with the corn stalks.

Hooray for husbands that help with garden cleanup when your pregnant body can't do the job.

Justin sent me flowers at work *just because* ... love love love

The finished product

Emmett's drawings amaze me.
We had our primary program today. The kids did so well. I was proud of Emmett and Logan during their parts. The spirit was so strong on our first song "I'm trying to be like Jesus." I was definitely holding back tears and there are too many people I can't look at when I'm singing at the kiddos or they make me cry worse (Dad, Emmett, Logan...Mom was in the audience so no worries there). I love to be in primary.