Sunday, September 18, 2022

Just an Update

Nothing too noteworthy going on around here but wanting to update anyway. 

Emmett is loving school; I'm really happy we decided to wait until he was six to start. His teacher got switched to the new music teacher for K-12 after the sitting one resigned, so he has a new teacher, Mrs. Reynolds. The transition has been fine as far as I can tell. When you ask him what's his favorite part of school he will tell you P.E. I send two students from my 7th period class to go get him from Kindergarten pick up and bring him to my classroom. It's the best part of my day when he walks in all proud to be in the school with all the big kids.

Logan finally started preschool with Ms. Livesay again. He has been dying to go back since Emmett started school. He loves snack time and playing in the sandbox. The other morning we were picking out something for him to take for show and tell. It needed to start with the letter A to go with the week's letter theme. We could only find one dinosaur that fit the A criteria but he didn't like that one - of course. He wanted to bring his Spidey ("You can't take that, it starts with "s,") or his Legos ("You can't - it starts with "L,") so rather than take something with the letter A he opted to take nothing at all. Bahaha this kid marches to the beat of his own drum. 

Beckham boy has been crabby this week. He's struggled going down for his regular naps and it's making him a crazy boy. We're hoping he's back to his normal self when we travel to WA this week.

Work has been good. My classes are nothing to complain about. My challenge is my 7th grade classes are really low academically; probably the lowest as a whole that I've ever taught and that's including my time in Auburn. Typically there's the usual bell curve of kids but with these kids the whole bell is shifted down a few notches. We'll see how it goes. I love my 8th graders and am so lucky to get to teach this bunch a second time. I call them "my people," - they are just a special group.

This pregnancy is flying by. Tomorrow I am 28 weeks along. I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors. Baby had a heart arrhythmia early on but it's totally resolved itself. This has been a lovely pregnancy. I haven't had any pubic symphysis pain which prevented me from staying as active last time. I'm enjoying my personal training and am conscious of my protein intake each day. Now that I'm in the last stretches, I'll see about adding dates and NORA tea, but this time I'm feeling more relaxed about everything in general so...a cup of tea here and there, a date here and there will probably be the extend of it all.  

Justin traveled for work last week. He went to Boise to lead a training for Tableau. I guess some company reached out to someone in his work that they needed someone to teach them, and he connected them to Justin because he's a total whiz at what he does. I thought that was a cool opportunity for him.

Our home build is moving right along. The base is down, and last week was just waiting for framers to get over here to throw some beams/walls up. I suspect they'll start this week. 

We had some Beals come for Labor Day weekend, so I'll include some pictures of that gathering. Logan can't wait to see Colin again when we go to Boise for Soups and Sweaters. Logan has many cousins, but when he refers to "my cousins" he is referring to Colin. It's sweet.

When students bring me rocks😍

Before and after haircut

The chickens I bought at the fair are finally laying! They are baby eggs but still - back to normal egg production after losing five from our flock in the spring.

We had game night with Chelsie and Blake - these kids are fun together

I pressure cooked carrots. I finally bought myself a pressure cooker!These took all day on a Saturday. It was a good thing I didn't realize what a pain they would be when I started πŸ˜…

Trying to learn to drink from his cup independently

I also pressure cooked my green beans! I'm getting braver with my food preserving.

High Schoolers keep parking in my spot so I made a sign to go with my sign since apparently my name wasn't enough to keep kids from parking there. So far so good...

Logan's first day

It was quite smoky that morning if you can't tell from the light

Labor Day we went to Idaho Falls and I bought new Fall decor. I love it!

Toys from Gabe and Christy 

Christmas came early for my kids

We had our 10 year anniversary! We ate at the Copper Rill and it was really good food. We did an escape room after that was a Hellish experience for me. Otherwise, a great night away with my boo.

We stopped to look at house progress on our way to I.F.

High Low class is picking up! I had two people at my Tuesday night class....πŸ˜‚

Justin helped me chop back the iris so we can see the marigolds and zinnias.