Sunday, May 8, 2022

Preschool Graduation

Happy Mother's Day to me! Love my crew of boys 💙💙💙

 Emmett and Logan finished off preschool for the year. Emmett has been going here since he was three. Lynette has been an angel on Earth and my kids absolutely love her. I'm so grateful Arco even has a preschool! She teared up when she spoke about Emmett comparing the little person he was when he started to now. He has come so far! Hopefully everything works out that Logan can go again next year.

In singing time we've been preparing for Mother's Day by singing "I Often Go Walking." Well my kids came to the back door singing, "Dear mother all flowers remind me of you!" SO precious!

Beckham is now pulling himself up to standing. No cruising yet. Strong boy!

We've literally had about two nice days this spring. One of them we went to Granny's and Beckham sure loved the swing.

My students are so impressed with Emmett's dinosaur art.

Cleaning day!

I decided to become a "High Fitness" instructor for "High Low." I've been thinking about it ever since we moved here, but finally decided to bite the bullet. Saturday was part one of a two-part training series. It was 6 hours and Justin was amazing enough to take the kids to Idaho Falls to the museum so I could participate. Now to submit my training videos to get approved to start running classes. 5 year old can paint better than anything I could ever paint! I'm amazed.

Photo dump from Justin's phone: trip to Idaho Falls and we got a new trampoline! Two days after setting it up a wind storm almost completely destroyed it. My goodness...