Saturday, May 30, 2020

May Update

It's been a minute, eh?

Some highlights:

  • We finally got Idaho licenses and plates

  • We have a new kitten - Emmett named him Snowball

  • We've had three mice in our house the last 24 hours...UGH!!!

  • Trisha's family came for a visit - it was the highlight of our month!

The rest is pictures and videos so enjoy if you please :)

still falls asleep on me some afternoons

I can't remember what he's eating but...must be good

Justin started a second flower bed for us. I'm currently trying to keep Cotoneasters and Peonies alive in said flower beds...

Justin and I are doing a new program together - my progress pics are below

Kids found fruit snacks in the emergency kit in the car

new flower bed

We said goodbye to Emmett's preschool teacher in a drive-by preschool supply pickup. He likes going through his journal of the things they did. 

story time with Emmett

Training with Teddy

The boys telling me how dangerous the water is

first day on the program: definitely not overweight by any means

ha...they love the naked life

craaaazy wind!

Logan "helping" Justin bake a cake for his mom for Mother's Day

his finished product

Emmett: "Mommy say cheese!"

This is 8 days into the program

Justin and I both lost 8 pounds in our first week. I'm 10 pounds down now and just working to keep it off

Family Hike to Lower Cedar Creek on Mother's Day weekend (I think this will be our new tradition)

dropped my brownie fueler! soooo sad lol

Happy Mother's Day Mom! This was the first time we'd hugged since before quarantine. 

We are teaching the kids mantras based off of what we're learning in the Book of Mormon this year

picking asparagus with Granny

weeding this massive garden

Granny found some Kill Deer eggs in her driveway - I know you know how excited Emmett was to check on them every day!

some play preschool activities

We finished out planting the garden the weekend after Mother's Day

They are too cool in their sunglasses 

Emmett loves to check the mail every day

We did a drive-by parade for Mr. Taylor on what would have been Rochelle's 55th birthday

lots of people in the community turned out

the cats have taken over Teddy's kennel

Emmett reaaaally wanted to go to prescshool....

The kids love the "flowers" in the yard

walking to Granny's house...

to check on the eggs of course

these blossoms are just the best!

Emmett discovered the relics of my glory days 

I did a massive sale on my MK inventory and got cleaned out! It was awesome.

Big ol' box sent to my WA customers and a laundry basket FULL of mailers around the rest of the country LOL

That same day we got a new kitty - meet Snowball

Last week was COOOOLD ... this week it's HOT. Oh Idaho...I love you but....brrrrr

more blossom pics

Dad playing with my kids = pure joy

I did my Murph crossfit workout on Memorial Day morning - I was happy with how it went considering we've only been out of quarantine a couple weeks. 

Hiking the natural arch with Trisha's family - I carried Emmett in my hiking kid backpack-thing and it was tough! When we got to the shale I knew we were done, but we were able to snag some good pics before heading back down. Trisha's family continued on all the way to the top.

ha the only picture I could get of us both with the arch...the shale above us is much steeper than it seems

on the way down we slowed down and enjoyed the we got to practice counting with all the steps

Emmett and I found some 'treasure'

I love calcite veins

that layering tho - I love these mountains so much

the wild flowers were out in full force! so pretty

it's not a Beal gathering without a campfire

Logan just decided to plop himself between Trisha and Travis - cracked me up

The boys chasing chipmunks

boys say "cheese"!!!

but try looking at the camera!! lol

it's "popsicles for breakfast" season - amiright?


Gramps taking the boys for a ride <3 

The garden is growing... spinach



weeding the corn

harvesting the spinach

bu-bye WA plates

baby corn!

they opened the playground!

Justin shampooed our carpets...bless him

Not only that, but today he replaced the kitchen sink faucet and fixed our toilet in the master bathroom - I feel like a queen with all these new upgrades