Monday, April 27, 2020

Welcome to the family, Teddy

We got a puppy! I've been trying to talk Justin out of it since we moved to Idaho. So that's what...a year, basically? 🤣 I was able to stave him off all winter because I insisted that it HAD to stay OUTSIDE and it felt unethical to have a puppy sleep in the sub-zero temperatures. But once he saw an ad here in Arco for a litter of labs, there was no stopping him and I basically had to surrender. Here's the thing: puppies are SO HARD. They are having a toddler and a newborn simultaneously. You have to potty train AND get up every 2 hours in the night (because: potty training), all WITHOUT the I-Just-Gave-Birth hormones that make you completely attach to said newborn. I tried to convince him to buy a two-year old puppy that is over the biting, chewing, potty training, etc etc etc stages but...puppy it is. Originally I wanted to name him Gunner, but it just wasn't fitting right so we settled on Teddy. So far he is WAY more chill than our former pup Jackson, so I am incredibly hopeful he will be a wonderful pet... if I can keep from running him over #RestInPeaceGinger

Alex came for the weekend and it was the highlight of quarantine! We went fishing on Friday night. I had zero expectations of catching anything but we had fun anyway. We had a fire at Mom and Dad's when we got home. Emmett got to be a big boy and come with me and Teddy while Logan stayed home for bedtime. Emmett loved hanging with his cousins - he kept trying to get them to go "feather hunting" with him, and Logan was so sweet he gave Emmett a flashlight because he loved it so much. Thank you Logan!

Beyond that my life is water, water, water. Water the garden. Water the grass. Shampoo, rinse, repeat. But one exciting development is Mom gave us raspberry starts that I planted and the spinach and onions are popping through: yay!

I hope you all enjoyed your stimulus check! We used part of ours to buy a riding lawnmower. Justin mowed last week. We raked all the dry stuff and filled a bunch of mice holes with extra dirt from the canal. Jon: Justin says you owe him after all your days of hauling dirt at your house -- buy your ticket and come on over 🤣 bonus: you don't have to pay for the dirt from the canals🤣

Snow on April 13th!!

April 15th: the day Teddy was delivered at 6 weeks old. The kids were BEYOND excited

I mean, come on! So cute

Walks with the dog: Teddy fell promptly fell asleep


 We planted grass in the back: hopefully we have grass so the kids aren't AS filthy at the end of each day

 Cleaning up debris from corrals 

The Nielsons (live in Grandma and Grandpa's house) have baby cows so we had to come see

Our Sunday church lessons - I am LOVING church from home! We made crowns for the kids and had them pretend to be King Benjamin while repeating some of his teachings.

Monday the 20th we planted the raspberries

 The spiket out back needs to be replaced. It leaked quite a bit before it finally shut off - the kids LOVED their puddle

We got Emmett a "med kit" - he likes to give me and puppy regular checkups

Rochelle Taylor was killed in a reckless driving accident on Saturday April 18th. So many people have so much love for this family. She was a special ed teacher and coach, and her husband is a high school teacher and coach. Their son Dallas is my age - when your graduating class has 24 kids you have a tight-knit group. They lost their first son to cancer, and almost lost Dallas in a near-fatal car accident. They've had to endure so much pain. My heart aches for them. She was a beautiful person, inside and out.

The community did a vigil for her outside their house. I was able to visit Dallas and Mr T. Tuesday night last week.

 The PERFECT cookies! Trisha - I finally nailed it

 lawnmower delivered - the boys play on it constantly

 feather hunting at the shelter - yep, that's underwear on his head. If he wants to wear underwear as a hat, I say, let him wear underwear for a hat

 I was teaching Emmett "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and he said the sheep was too big 🤣 so I drew a smaller one by Mary - also, my sheep kinda look like llamas.

 Wild Horse, Trail Creek, and Mackay Dam

I got excited when I saw this little guy in the river. Very slight chance I'd find a fossil in those layers but I had to take a peak. Nothing but a calcite deposit vein - still exciting for this rock nerd. 

Lost River range, you have my heart

Enjoy Pepper's useless self against an injured mouse - that little bugger fought back and even came after Logan!

 King Benjamin teaches us to keep Christ's name written on our hearts 🧡

All the more reason to make heart-shaped cookies

 Justin's first time working with royal icing

 more preschool fun with this kiddo

Trying to get Logan to help clean up his mess ... dang kid colored on the carpet 🤣 we're working through this "learned helpless" stage..."I can't do it!" ... lol... he's a cutie