Sunday, February 16, 2020

Skiing and Valentine's Day

The kids' favorite new snack these days: carrott chips and hummus.

More drift pictures - these two days felt like a scene from Dr. Zhivago

I've been pulling out the rice bin for Emmett on these long, cold afternoons - endless entertainment! Here he is making a volcano out of hot lava 🤯 not sure who taught him about lava but it wasn't me and I'm disappointed in myself 🤣 I actually think it was Jurassic Park...🤔

The kids both grabbed a set of keys and kept saying "Bye Mom!!" and waving...little frenemies play so well together (and then suddenly not) these days 🤣

playing hot lava

 After Justin and I snowshoed at Crater's I told my friends about it and we decided to go. This was a day after the crazy wind stopped so all the paths were blown over. Lacy and Chelsie trusted me to plow through the unmarked terrain and we managed to get to the top of the same mountain Justin and I climbed. It was still quite windy but these guys make great company.

You can kinda see the old path through here

When we made it back to the parking lot it was fun to see our tracks.

King Mountain was on FIRE the other night - pictures do it no justice

The kids love driving the pickup

brrr we attempted a walk the other day - way too cold!

I was having a hard time finding an opportunity to get Emmett on some skis and finally made it happen. Everywhere I would call said they wouldn't accommodate a three year-old private lesson. Whatever. But one of my frisbee friends happened to post that she's an instructor at Kelly so I messaged her on facebook and she agreed to set something up! She told me they might give me grief at the ticket office because of his age but to just say Claire said it was fine 🤣 we went on a Tuesday and it was incredibly slow so nobody even asked. Lacy has skiis for her son so she let me borrow them for the day 😍 And Emmett loved it! Claire told me by the end he was almost able to ride the bunny hill lift all on his own. Yay - I was able to do a couple runs myself while he had his lesson. Oi! I was rusty. It's been seven years since I've been snowboarding! It was also cold and icy so I was trying to be cautious but that doesn't work too well when you're carving (speed = your friend). But it came back after a few runs. I'm thinking of switching over to skiing ... we'll see. We stopped to see "My Trisha" as Emmett likes to call her on the way home😍 Trish - when we got home he kept asking to go back to your house.🤣

Everytime I got back on the lift I was able to look over and see Emmett and Claire - it made my heart happy.

If you listen close, you can hear him say "There's my mommy!" in the very beginning

I've been taking some subbing jobs here and there. My favorite has been the 5th/6th grade. I subbed the day before Valentine's Day and they had a huge party at the end of the day. I couldn't believe how much SUGAR there was!! One of the kids parents came and played trash ball with the kids. It was a total hit and I didn't have to do a thing but watch and pass out candy (and pray nobody spilled their pop on the carpet). 🤣 I really enjoy being in the classroom - kids this age are my jam. I sub 2nd grade next week.... I've only subbed that age once before like 5 years ago and it was a doozy. 

 Friday I made a Valentine's breakfast - the kids really only ate the whipped cream. Oh well - I enjoyed it at least. I made cheeseburgers for dinner and in the afternoon Justin helped me make a dark chocolate raspberry cheesecake - we took it to Chase and Lacy's that night to share. They hosted a party and we ate finger foods and played games. The cheesecake was awesome and the raspberries really made it 👍

Emmett asks to go skiing all the time now

I tried a Valentine activity for the kids with my newly purchased butcher paper roll. Match the stickers with the color heart. It kept them somewhat busy but Logan kept thwarting Emmett's efforts.

I've been doing a lot of activities during singing time in Primary. The one I did today involved A LOT of boxes - I wrapped them in butcher paper and put pictures on the boxes for the kids to stack and put in order for the verse we were singing of Nephi's Courage. They loved stacking and knocking them over.🤣

Daddy got the kids a Valentine

Logan with the light saber Justin made with his 3D printer

Right before church Emmett stacked the last ones I was working on and asked me to take his picture🤣

Logan didn't nap today - he promptly fell asleep when we turned on a show cute.

Last week we did an FHE with chains based on the Come, Follow Me lesson. We handed the kids a picture of Jesus and then had them shake off the chains.

Making pizza with Dad

Logan just chillin'
